Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o. In order to ensure the lawful, transparent, and secure processing of your personal data, the Electrum Group has adopted this Privacy Policy. Committed to the highest service standards and respecting the privacy rights of individuals whose data we process, including those using our services, our contractors, and their employees, we inform you that the data obtained is processed in accordance with national and European legal regulations and in conditions that guarantee its security. To ensure the transparency of the processing activities, we present the data protection principles in force at Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o., established on the basis of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter “GDPR”). The policy was last updated on 19.10.2022.

+ Information on the Processing of Job Applicant Data by Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o.

  1. Who is the administrator of your personal data

As your potential Employer/Collaborator, we, Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o., are the administrator of your personal data. You can contact us:

  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok;
  • by email, at the address:;
  • by phone, at the number: 85 664 73 73.
  1. How can you contact the Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a person responsible for the area of personal data protection, with whom you can contact in all matters concerning the protection of your personal data:

  • by email, at the address:;
  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok.
  1. For what purposes and on what basis do we process your data

We process your personal data for the purpose of:

  • conducting recruitment activities aimed at concluding an employment contract (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a and c GDPR) or another type of cooperation agreement (based on Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a and b GDPR);
  • conducting future recruitment processes, based on your consent to the processing of personal data provided in your CV, form, cover letter, and other documents. The basis for processing is this consent under Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a and b GDPR;
  • fulfilling the legitimate interest of the administrator in the scope of data obtained from you during the recruitment process in connection with verifying your skills and qualifications needed for the position specified in the advertisement – the basis for processing these data is our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • ensuring physical security and information security in connection with the use of video surveillance of the office building and the area in front of the building, in the execution of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • possible establishment, investigation, or defense against claims and allegations in the execution of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR).
  1. What rights do you have regarding the processing of data

You have the following rights:

  • the right to withdraw consent (where the legal basis for processing is consent) at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal;
  • the right to access your data and receive a copy of it;
  • the right to rectify your data;
  • the right to delete or restrict the processing of data;
  • the right to object to data processing, which is based on our legitimate interest;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Poland, this is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).
  1. To whom do we disclose your data

We disclose your personal data to other entities belonging to the Electrum capital group in connection with the execution of contracts, as well as to our partners with whom we cooperate in the framework of recruitment processes and subcontractors, e.g., IT service providers, recruitment companies, accounting firms, companies providing personnel consulting and job placement services, as well as authorized bodies or institutions in accordance with applicable regulations.

  1. How long will we store your data

We process your personal data for the following periods:

  • for the purposes specified in point 3 items 1) – 2) for the time necessary to conduct the current recruitment;
  • for the purposes specified in point 3 items 3) – 4) for a period enabling the fulfillment of the legitimate interest or until a valid objection to processing is raised;
  • for the purpose specified in point 3 item 5) for the limitation period for claims.
  1. Is providing your data mandatory

To the extent that we process personal data based on the Labor Code or other legal regulations, providing data is a statutory requirement necessary to conclude an employment contract or fulfill a legal obligation imposed on us. Consent is understood as your voluntary action expressed by sending us your application documents in connection with the job offer.

  1. Automated decision-making, including profiling of your data

We do not process your personal data using automated decision-making, including profiling, as referred to in Art. 22 sec. 1 and 4 GDPR.

+ Information on the Processing of Contractor Data by Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o.

  1. Who is the administrator of your personal data

We, Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Białystok, are the Administrator of your personal data. You can contact us:

  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok
  • by email, at the address:
  • by phone, at the number: +48 85 664 73 73, tel. +48 85 664 73 72
  1. How can you contact the Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a person who serves as the Data Protection Officer, with whom you can contact in all matters regarding the protection of your personal data:

  • by email, at the address:
  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok
  1. What data do we process and from what sources do we obtain them

In connection with the conclusion or performance of a contract, we may process the following categories of your personal data:

  • identification data: name and surname, position, function, PESEL number or date of birth;
  • registration data: NIP, REGON;
  • contact data: email address, phone number, correspondence address;
  • financial data: bank account number.

We obtain your personal data from the entity you represent or on behalf of which you act, as well as from publicly available sources (e.g., KRS and CEIDG).

  1. For what purposes and on what basis do we process your data

We process your personal data for the purpose of:

  • concluding and performing a contract (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR – if you are a party to the contract) or fulfilling our legitimate interest in properly performing the contract (for persons cooperating with us on behalf of the client/contractor, the basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • conducting settlements, accounting, and financial reporting (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR);
  • archival (evidential) purposes, being the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in securing information in case of the need to prove facts (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • verifying the occurrence of conflicts of interest, being the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in avoiding conflicts of interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • possible establishment, investigation, or defense against claims and allegations in the fulfillment of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR).
  1. What rights do you have regarding the processing of data

You have the following rights:

  • the right to withdraw consent (where the legal basis for processing is consent) at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal;
  • the right to access your data and receive a copy of it;
  • the right to rectify your data;
  • the right to delete or restrict the processing of data;
  • the right to object to data processing, which is based on our legitimate interest;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Poland, this is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).
  1. To whom do we disclose your data
  • We disclose your personal data to other entities belonging to the Electrum capital group based on concluded contracts, as well as to our partners with whom we cooperate in the framework of processes and subcontractors, e.g., IT service providers, our employees and collaborators authorized to process personal data in connection with the performance of official duties.
  • We also disclose your personal data to authorized bodies or institutions in accordance with applicable legal regulations.
  • We do not transfer your personal data to recipients located outside the European Economic Area.
  1. How long will we store your data

We will process your personal data for the duration of the contract, and furthermore, for a period enabling the fulfillment of our legitimate interest, which constitutes the basis for processing or until a valid objection to processing is raised.

  1. Is providing your data mandatory

Providing your personal data is voluntary but necessary for purposes related to the conclusion and performance of the contract.

  1. Automated decision-making, including profiling of your data

We do not process your personal data using automated decision-making, including profiling, as referred to in Art. 22 sec. 1 and 4 GDPR.

+ Information on the Processing of Whistleblower Data by Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o.

  1. Who is the administrator of your personal data

We, Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o., are the administrator of your personal data. You can contact us:

  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok;
  • by email, at the address:;
  • by phone, at the number: 85 664 73 73.
  1. How can you contact the Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a person responsible for the area of data protection, with whom you can contact in all matters regarding the protection of your personal data:

  • by email, at the address:;
  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok.
  1. For what purposes and on what basis do we process your data

We process your personal data for the purpose of:

  • identifying the person reporting a violation and taking appropriate action in connection with the reported violation (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR) or fulfilling our legitimate interest in ensuring the ability to take necessary actions in connection with the reported violation (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • archival (evidential) purposes, being the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in securing information in case of the need to prove facts (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • possible establishment, investigation, or defense against claims and allegations in the fulfillment of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR).
  1. What rights do you have regarding the processing of data

You have the following rights:

  • the right to withdraw consent (where the legal basis for processing is consent) at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal;
  • the right to access your data and receive a copy of it;
  • the right to rectify your data;
  • the right to delete or restrict the processing of data;
  • the right to object to data processing, which is based on our legitimate interest;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Poland, this is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).
  1. To whom do we disclose your data
  • We disclose your personal data to other entities belonging to the Electrum capital group in connection with the performance of contracts, as well as to our partners with whom we cooperate in the framework of processes related to personal matters, e.g., law firms, IT companies, in particular Sp. z o.o. Staniątki 858, 32-005 Staniątki, in the scope of providing software serving as an internal reporting channel within the Electrum Group.
  • We also disclose your personal data to authorized bodies or institutions in accordance with applicable legal regulations.
  1. How long will we store your data

We will process your personal data for the period necessary to take action in connection with the reported violation, and furthermore, for a period enabling the fulfillment of our legitimate interest, which constitutes the basis for processing or until a valid objection to processing is raised.

  1. Is providing your data mandatory

Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for reporting a violation.

  1. Automated decision-making, including profiling of your data

We do not process your personal data using automated decision-making, including profiling, as referred to in Art. 22 sec. 1 and 4 GDPR.

+ Information on the Processing of Employee Data by Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o.

  1. Who is the administrator of your personal data

As your Employer, Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o. is the administrator of your personal data. You can contact us:

  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok;
  • by email, at the address:;
  • by phone, at the number: 85 664 73 73.
  1. How can you contact the Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a person responsible for the area of data protection, with whom you can contact in all matters regarding the protection of your personal data:

  • by email, at the address:;
  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok.
  1. For what purposes and on what basis do we process your data

We process your personal data for the purpose of:

  • performing the employment contract and fulfilling the rights and obligations arising from it, including salary payment, possible granting of social benefits, maintaining documentation related to employment matters, and employee personal files (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR and the Labor Code, and for data beyond what is specified in the Labor Code, the basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR);
  • fulfilling our legal obligations in the field of social security and taxes (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR and Art. 9 sec. 2 lit. b GDPR);
  • providing and handling, including cost settlement, additional benefits offered by us or cooperating entities, which you may be a beneficiary of, especially related to medical care, additional insurance, sports cards, and other benefits (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR);
  • using the results of your work to improve, verify, and present our services, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in improving the quality of services provided and fulfilling the provisions of contracts concluded with our contractors (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • publishing your data, including name, surname, business email address, business phone numbers, office, position, place in the organizational structure, image – if you decide to post your photo, in the internal portals and systems of the Electrum capital group, as well as in other IT tools used by us or other entities belonging to the Electrum capital group, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest and the legitimate interest of other entities belonging to the Electrum capital group in facilitating communication and cooperation within the Electrum capital group (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • presenting you as our representative in relations with our contractors in terms of job duties, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in fulfilling the provisions of contracts concluded with our contractors (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • ensuring physical security and information security in connection with the use of video surveillance of office building surfaces, the area in front of the building, and at our contracts/sites, as well as the use of access control to rooms, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • possible establishment, investigation, or defense against claims and allegations in the fulfillment of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR).
  1. What rights do you have regarding the processing of data

You have the following rights:

  • the right to withdraw consent (where the legal basis for processing is consent) at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal;
  • the right to access your data and receive a copy of it;
  • the right to rectify your data;
  • the right to delete or restrict the processing of data;
  • the right to object to data processing, which is based on our legitimate interest;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Poland, this is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).
  1. To whom do we disclose your data
  • We disclose your personal data to other entities belonging to the Electrum capital group in connection with the performance of contracts, as well as to our partners with whom we cooperate in the framework of processes related to personal matters, e.g., entities providing health services, additional insurance, sports cards, and other benefits, training companies, archiving companies, law firms, IT companies.
  • We also disclose your personal data to authorized bodies or institutions in accordance with applicable legal regulations.
  1. How long will we store your data

We process your personal data for the following periods:

  • for the purposes specified in sec. 3 points 1) – 2) for the period of storage of employee documentation specified in the Labor Code or other legal regulations, subject to data processed on the basis of consent, which will be stored no longer than until the consent is withdrawn;
  • for the purpose specified in sec. 3 point 3) for the duration of the employment relationship;
  • for the purposes specified in sec. 3 points 4) – 7) for the period enabling the fulfillment of a legitimate interest or until a valid objection to processing is raised;
  • for the purpose specified in sec. 3 point 8) for the period of limitation of claims.
  1. Is providing your data mandatory

To the extent that we process personal data on the basis of the Labor Code or other legal regulations, providing data is a statutory requirement necessary to conclude an employment contract or fulfill a legal obligation imposed on us. Failure to provide this data will make it impossible to conclude an employment relationship or fulfill our legal obligations. To the extent that we process personal data on the basis of consent, providing personal data is voluntary. However, failure to provide personal data may prevent the employee from benefiting from additional benefits.

  1. Automated decision-making, including profiling of your data

We do not process your personal data using automated decision-making, including profiling, as referred to in Art. 22 sec. 1 and 4 GDPR.

+ Information on the Processing of Contractor Data by Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o.

  1. Who is the administrator of your personal data

We, Electrum Holding Sp. z o.o. are the administrator of your personal data. You can contact us:

  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok;
  • by email, at the address:;
  • by phone, at the number: 85 664 73 73.
  1. How can you contact the Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a person responsible for the area of data protection, with whom you can contact in all matters regarding the protection of your personal data:

  • by email, at the address:;
  • by mail, sending a letter to the address: ul. Watykańska 13, 15-638 Białystok.
  1. For what purposes and on what basis do we process your data

We process your personal data for the purpose of:

  • performing the commission contract and fulfilling the rights and obligations arising from it, including salary payment (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR);
  • fulfilling our legal obligations in the field of social security and taxes (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit c GDPR and Art. 9 sec. 2 lit. b GDPR);
  • providing and handling, including cost settlement, additional benefits offered by us or cooperating entities, which you may be a beneficiary of, especially related to medical care, additional insurance, sports cards, and other benefits (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR);
  • using the results of tasks completed by you to improve, verify, and present our services, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in improving the quality of services provided and fulfilling the provisions of contracts concluded with our contractors (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • publishing your data, including name, surname, business email address, business phone numbers, office, position, place in the organizational structure, image – if you decide to post your photo, in the Electrum Capital Group address book available to the staff of entities belonging to the Electrum Capital Group, as well as in other IT tools used by us or other entities belonging to the Electrum Capital Group, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest and the legitimate interest of other entities belonging to the Electrum Capital Group in facilitating communication and cooperation within the Electrum Capital Group (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • presenting you as our representative in relations with our contractors in terms of job duties, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest in fulfilling the provisions of contracts concluded with our contractors (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • ensuring physical security and information security in connection with the use of video surveillance of office building surfaces, as well as the use of access control to rooms and personal identifiers, which is the fulfillment of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR);
  • possible establishment, investigation, or defense against claims and allegations in the fulfillment of our legitimate interest (basis from Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR).
  1. What rights do you have regarding the processing of data

You have the following rights:

  • the right to withdraw consent (where the legal basis for processing is consent) at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal;
  • the right to access your data and receive a copy of it;
  • the right to rectify your data;
  • the right to delete or restrict the processing of data;
  • the right to object to data processing, which is based on our legitimate interest;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Poland, this is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).
  1. To whom do we disclose your data
  • We disclose your personal data to other entities belonging to the Electrum Capital Group in connection with the performance of contracts, as well as to our partners with whom we cooperate in the framework of processes related to personal matters, e.g., entities providing health services, additional insurance, sports cards, and other benefits, training companies, archiving companies, law firms, IT companies.
  • We also disclose your personal data to authorized bodies or institutions in accordance with applicable legal regulations.
  1. How long will we store your data

We process your personal data for the following periods:

  • for the purposes specified in sec. 3 points 1) – 2) for the period of storage of documentation specified by law;
  • for the purpose specified in sec. 3 point 3) for the duration of the commission contract;
  • for the purposes specified in sec. 3 points 4) – 7) for the period enabling the fulfillment of a legitimate interest or until a valid objection to processing is raised;
  • for the purpose specified in sec. 3 point 8) for the period of limitation of claims.
  1. Is providing your data mandatory
  • To the extent that we process personal data based on regulations governing obligations in the field of social security and taxes, providing data is a statutory requirement necessary to conclude a commission contract or fulfill a legal obligation imposed on us. Failure to provide this data will make it impossible to conclude a commission contract or fulfill our legal obligations.
  • In other cases, providing personal data is voluntary. However, failure to provide personal data may prevent the conclusion of a commission contract or the use of additional benefits. If personal data is processed based on consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before its withdrawal.
  1. Automated decision-making, including profiling of your data

We do not process your personal data using automated decision-making, including profiling, as referred to in Art. 22 sec. 1 and 4 GDPR.

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