O&M Conference – Operation and Management of PV Farms

Photovoltaics in Poland and Europe is currently the fastest-growing technology in the energy market. The increase in new capacities from photovoltaic installations presents many opportunities, but also challenges for many sectors.

The key to reducing potential investment risk from renewable energy sources, lowering costs, and increasing system reliability lies in high-quality operational and maintenance services—this was the focus of the first O&M Operation and Management of PV Farms conference. The conference, organized by the Polish Photovoltaic Association, took place in Warsaw on March 23-24, 2022.

The Photovoltaic Market in Poland and the O&M Industry

The first edition of the O&M Operation and Management of PV Farms conference brought together representatives of industry leaders and a range of stakeholders interested in PV investments. It was the first, but certainly not the last, event of its kind. We are pleased to have been a partner of the conference.

Best Practices in Renewable Energy Facility Maintenance

Participants had the opportunity to network and exchange opinions on best O&M practices. The lectures and workshops provided a chance to share knowledge on how to develop the best solutions for their investments and effectively manage PV farms. Two days of substantive presentations, networking sessions, and meetings with exhibitors offered not only practical knowledge but also inspiring discussions.

o&m coference

High-Quality O&M for Photovoltaic Facilities in Poland

Electrum Solutions experts, Maciej Biegański, Head of Automation, and Krzysztof Kuc, Head of O&M, participated in the workshop session. In their presentation, “O&M Service as a Tool for Maximizing Profits from Renewable Energy Investments – A Case Study,” they argued that standardized monitoring and support are not sufficient for the success of a comprehensive O&M service. Drawing from their experience, they emphasized the importance of technological maturity, experience in process automation, and competence in solving complex problems throughout the process. The presentation, supported by numerous examples from PV facilities in Poland, aimed to show the audience that a well-executed O&M can provide tools to better utilize the potential of photovoltaic farms and reduce energy production losses.

Better Operation of Solar Installations

As Maciej Biegański emphasized at the conference, there is still much to be done in the field of O&M, and market demands and conditions are changing very quickly. To stay at the forefront, one must be inspired by the solutions of leaders and be open to market feedback. With many years of industry experience, Electrum Solution experts understand the practical possibilities of using O&M services as a way to reduce maintenance costs for PV installations and other renewable energy facilities. During the conference and the plenary presentation, the proprietary SCADA system—EMACS—presented at the conference, generated considerable interest. It is a platform that can be easily integrated into the entire O&M process for photovoltaic power plants, as well as wind farms and other renewable energy facilities.

Professional Monitoring and High-Quality Service for PV Farms

We have completed two intensive days of meetings, discussions, and inspiration. We also had the pleasure of sharing our knowledge and experience from many years of working in the Operation & Maintenance service. We are pleased that the presentation on maximizing profits from renewable energy investments attracted the interest of event participants and received a strong response.

Our case study certainly proved that only high-quality O&M—combining professional monitoring, an experienced service team, and the technological maturity of SCADA system engineers—can effectively ensure the continuity of facility operations and, thereby, significantly increase profits from renewable energy sources.

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