Sustainable Development Practices in the Workplace

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development involves achieving designated economic goals while operating ethically, respecting the natural environment, and the communities surrounding the organization.

Which areas in a company are worth focusing on in the context of sustainable development?

Examples of sustainable development

Energy Resource Management

When managing energy, attention to detail matters. Opt for energy-efficient office lighting and use devices with energy efficiency certifications (e.g., Energy Star).

Implementing automatic lighting systems is another good practice. It’s also beneficial to ensure that at least part of the energy powering the office comes from renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power.

Waste Management

Waste segregation is already a standard practice for environmental care. However, going further to examine company processes can help reduce the amount of waste generated.

Examples of waste-reducing measures include adopting electronic document circulation systems or relying on reusable items, such as equipping the office kitchen with reusable cups, utensils, and plates.


When selecting office supplies, prioritize products made from eco-friendly materials. The chemical composition of cleaning agents used in the office is also important.

During the office design phase, maximize access to natural light in as many rooms as possible.

Company fleet

The use of electric or hybrid vehicles supports sustainable development by reducing CO₂ emissions. Additionally, focus on route optimization and eco-driving techniques.

These measures not only lower operating costs but also enhance the company’s eco-friendly image and reduce environmental impact.

zrównoważony rozwój przykłady - flota i eco driving

Climate Education

Climate education helps in understanding and addressing climate change issues while raising awareness about the potential of renewable energy sources. Sharing knowledge and good practices with employees and the organization’s community is a positive step towards sustainable development.

Increased employee engagement in ecological topics can be achieved through initiatives such as organizing eco-themed contests or workshops.

Supporting the Local Community

Examples of supporting the local community include participating in or supporting ecological events, collaborating with suppliers who adhere to sustainable practices, and organizing activities such as tree planting or promoting workplace equality.

What are the benefits of implementing sustainable development practices?

Implementing sustainable development practices in the workplace yields tangible benefits for both the environment and the organization itself. It helps lower operational costs, enhances the company’s image, and boosts employee engagement.

Collective care for sustainability fosters a sense of community and responsibility, leading to increased team satisfaction and a positive perception of the organization by clients and business partners.

How to get a job as a wind turbine technician?

The transformations in the energy sector are making the wind farm construction an increasingly popular choice among investors interested in renewable energy sources.

The popularization of this method of electricity generation leads to the creation of new jobs for specialists working in wind turbine maintenance.

Responsibilities of a wind turbine service technician

Wind turbine maintenance is essential to maintain their good technical condition and efficiency over the years. The main tasks of a person working in this position include maintenance, inspections, repairs, servicing of wind turbines, and addressing ongoing faults and malfunctions.

Key skills of a wind turbine service technician

The expectations for service technicians include not only education (at least a technical secondary education with an electrical focus) but also skills related to servicing electronic and electrical equipment, as well as a Category B driver’s license. Additionally, availability and willingness to work on the assigned site, along with responsibility and good work organization, are important.

Where to look for a job as a wind turbine technician?

Job listings can be found on popular job boards and the career pages of companies operating in the renewable energy sector. We encourage you to visit the Electrum career page – a leading Polish company in the renewable energy industry, where you can find current job offers.


Wind turbine technician job – Why is it worth it?

Working in the renewable energy sector is not only a job with a mission to care for the planet, but also a job that provides stable employment and attractive wages. Additionally, employees can expect additional benefits, such as sports cards and funding for courses and training.

If you’re interested in this topic, also read:

Renewable Energy Jobs: Why It’s Worth It and How to Get Started

What’s inside a wind turbine? Discover the interior of a wind energy generator

Wind turbine technician at the top of the turbine

The Balancing Market, Negative Energy Prices, and the Role of O&M in Managing Renewable Energy Facilities – An Interview with Krzysztof Kuc

Climate change brings an urgent need to create a new power system where renewable and zero-emission energy sources play the leading role.

One of the challenges in this process is that modern power grids were not designed for power plants where energy production is unstable. Wind and solar energy sources are highly dependent on weather conditions and time of day.

For the energy system to function uninterruptedly and stably – and thus ensure energy security – it requires constant energy balancing. It’s a time-sensitive process: at any given moment, the system must be balanced so that the amount of energy consumed equals the amount of energy generated.

Two of the mechanisms that play a crucial role in this are the balancing market and negative prices.

We invite you to read the article and interview, which provide a deeper understanding of these mechanisms. 👀

How Does the Polish Power System Work?

The National Power System is a network of interconnected components designed to ensure uninterrupted and continuous electricity supply across the entire country. To achieve this goal, it requires real-time management at all times.

This is managed through various interdependent mechanisms. In simple terms, we can explain it like this: the National Power Dispatch takes the lead, overseeing the transmission network, operated by the Transmission System Operator – Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE). PSE determines the electricity demand, while Distribution System Operators – such as ENERGA, ENEA, Stoen, TAURON, and PGE – distribute electricity to end users.

For the system to operate flawlessly, precise demand forecasts and a range of market regulations are essential. These mechanisms allow for effective control of electricity intake from producers. This is where factors like the balancing market and negative energy prices come into play, directly influencing the production and consumption of energy from renewable energy facilities.

The Balancing Market

  • The balancing market is a mechanism managed by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE).
  • Its primary goal is to balance the supply and demand for electricity, ensuring stability and security of supply within the power system.
  • The balancing market operates independently of contracts established in earlier stages of trading – its purpose is system stability, not energy trading.
  • The balancing market is activated when there is a discrepancy between actual and planned energy production or consumption. In such cases, PSE instructs energy producers to increase or decrease their output.
  • One of the mechanisms that can arise within the balancing market is negative prices.

Negative Prices

Negative prices occur when there is an overproduction of energy in the power system, particularly from renewable sources like solar and wind.

In such situations, system operators must implement mechanisms to balance production and demand. Negative prices arise when energy producers have to pay to feed their energy into the grid because the network cannot absorb the surplus – for example, due to low demand or system limitations.

💡 Negative energy prices are typically recorded during specific hours rather than over extended periods.

Recently, a long three-hour period of negative energy prices was recorded in the market. On September 10, 2024, between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM, the cost of 1MWh was -50 PLN. A record? Thankfully, not in Poland. The Netherlands holds the lead here, where, on May 28, 2023, between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, energy was priced at -400 EUR/MWh (approximately -1847 PLN/MWh).

  • Negative prices are an effective solution during the risk of grid overload, encouraging energy producers to reduce production.
  • They also serve as a stimulus for developing energy storage technologies and implementing flexible solutions that allow for better control of energy production.

For renewable energy facilities, negative prices should not pose a significant challenge for a savvy investor using tools that enable precise control over production and operations. Conventional power plants, on the other hand, may struggle more with negative prices, as they cannot be easily shut down within hours.

But what happens to a renewable energy facility during an hour of negative prices?

Operation & Maintenance (O&M) in Managing Renewable Energy Facilities

  • What role does Operation & Maintenance play in the effective management of renewable energy facilities, such as wind farms and solar farms?
  • What happens when energy production exceeds demand?
  • What tools help respond effectively to changes in energy demand?
  • What tools support keeping a renewable energy facility in optimal condition?

These are the questions we address in an interview with Krzysztof Kuc, Service Manager and head of the Operation & Maintenance team at Electrum Solutions. He oversees the work of skilled dispatchers, engineers, and specialists who monitor facilities generating 2.5 GW of clean energy from wind and solar every day – nearly 15% of the national production from wind and solar power plants above 1 MW.

What Do We Do When Our Renewable Energy Facility Produces Too Much Energy and We Can’t Feed It into the Grid?

Krzysztof Kuc: Unfortunately, we have to curtail generation. The systems used by PSE operators and Distribution System Operators (DSOs) can collect information on the level to which specific connection points in a given node must be limited. The operator issues a curtailment order by sending this information via email and phone.

The inability to feed energy into the grid stems from the need to balance the market. Part of this balancing involves sending forecasts of potential generation to distribution network operators well in advance. In the next step, operators reach out to us [the O&M team] with a dispatch order, instructing us to adjust the production levels of the generating unit accordingly.

So the Farm Isn’t Shut Down Completely?

KK: We try not to shut down farms entirely. If there’s no other option, we proceed with a full shutdown, but our priority is to implement so-called set points that limit the active power of the farm to a technological minimum. This way, the farm continues to operate, albeit at reduced power, allowing for a quicker return to full capacity once the restrictions are lifted.

Restarting a renewable energy facility after a complete shutdown can take several hours, resulting in significant financial and time losses. For this reason, we prefer limiting output to a technological minimum, which enables the farm to keep running with minimal losses.

And What Does the O&M Process Look Like for Shutting Down/Disconnecting a Farm, If It Becomes Necessary?

KK: A farm can be shut down remotely. However, if we shut it down with a breaker, it usually needs to be restarted locally later, because after a certain period (when the UPS batteries discharge), we lose the ability to restart it remotely. In such cases, to bring the facility back into generation, a service team must be sent on-site.

Just like a car battery that drains if the car is left unused for too long?

KK: Exactly. The most common issue is related to UPS systems, which maintain communication and the SCADA system at the farms. But they don’t always have sufficient capacity.

For example, on photovoltaic and wind farms, UPS systems have their own capacity and should maintain communication for a specific period. However, these systems often have several years of operation, and their capacity is not the same as when they were first installed. Over time, their capacity decreases, and environmental conditions, such as unfavorable temperatures or humidity, further deteriorate their condition. A UPS that initially lasted 6 hours might only last 1 hour after a few years. If we don’t restart the facility within that time, we have to send a service team on-site to restore generation.

*UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is an emergency power supply device that ensures continuous energy delivery to the key systems of a farm, even in the event of an external power outage. It maintains the stability and safety of operations.

How is Energy Demand Forecasting Done? What Information Is Available to You?

KK: We receive orders to limit generation to a specific level, usually to zero. These orders are issued by the dispatchers from the Distribution System Operators (DSO) or the Transmission System Operators (TSO). Sometimes, we also receive a schedule of curtailments a day before they are implemented, particularly related to negative prices, but this information comes from the client’s representative.

In terms of energy demand forecasting, long-term forecasting is handled by the operators. They forecast energy demand on a daily, weekly, monthly, and even seasonal scale, developing strategies for determining energy consumption plans – this is called balancing. For example, in the summer, there is higher demand for energy due to air conditioning usage, and in the winter, it increases due to the need for heating.

Operation & Maintenance is Largely About Responding to Current Information?

KK: Yes, exactly. Based on information from the client’s asset management or the operator’s dispatching services, who send us requests to limit active power, adjust reactive power settings, or stop such restrictions—these are the so-called setpoints. All this is done to maintain network parameters, such as voltage, at the appropriate level.

The cooperation instructions specify how much time we have to respond to such requests. Operators also send us letters with information about upcoming curtailments, for example, around holidays. They plan everything in advance and inform us about their needs ahead of time.

Read also: Solar farm maintenance – What is the O&M Service?

Many of the ways Operation & Maintenance operates are developed on the fly, in response to changes in the market, right?

KK: When the market is constantly balancing, Operation & Maintenance has to be flexible. We work all the time. We are in continuous contact with operators, monitor their actions, and manage everything to minimize costs and risks for our clients. Operators have to react quickly when they see energy demand and generation. In situations where there is more energy available than the network can accept to maintain balance, we need to curtail the surplus but also ensure that, in case of a sudden spike in demand, we can quickly restore generation.

Read also: O&M Services Overview: Explore Our Dispatch Center | Electrum

Where Do Negative Prices Come From?

KK: Negative prices are a mechanism that allows the market to self-regulate. Transmission or distribution system operators sometimes face challenges when issuing dispatch orders. It doesn’t always work immediately, and due to the complexity of the energy system, the orders are not direct.

PSE (Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne) sends production reduction orders to OSD (Distribution System Operators), who then pass them on to us, because we are the ones who oversee operations and carry out operational activities. In some cases, we receive orders directly from PSE if the farm we manage is connected to PSE’s infrastructure.

Negative prices are introduced when there is a forecasted surplus of energy. Operators find it unprofitable to take in this energy, so they should limit generation. This mechanism forces energy producers to self-limit, as no one wants to produce if they have to pay for it. As a result, those managing renewable energy assets analyze the situation and send us restriction schedules.

We do this not only considering financial benefits or losses but primarily with energy stability and security in mind.

Does this mean we’re producing too much green energy, which we’re losing? How does this work in practice?

KK: Often, we produce more energy than our system can absorb. There’s also the issue of infrastructure. During peak production, we might generate more energy than we need, but we don’t have an adequately developed transmission network to send that energy where it’s needed. For example, in May this year, many farms had to curtail energy production because we couldn’t use it effectively. Our infrastructure needs upgrading to efficiently transmit large amounts of energy from one region to another. Where there was too much energy, we had to limit it, and in places where it was needed, the system couldn’t deliver it.

So, what’s next?

KK: One of the solutions will be energy storage systems. We’re talking about battery storage, but also other types of storage, such as heat storage or hydrogen storage. With these systems, managing energy during peak hours, especially with negative prices, will be completely different, as the energy can simply be stored. Various technologies can help improve the management of energy surpluses. Of course, they won’t solve the problem 100%, but they can significantly reduce it. Biogas plants, energy storage systems, and heat storage — all of these should create an energy mix that must be managed effectively. It’s also important to forecast, predict, and properly maintain the infrastructure to respond effectively to changing energy needs. All technologies must work together within a single energy system.

At Electrum, we strive to ensure that these technologies are well integrated, and that managing this energy mix is as efficient as possible. This allows us to achieve the best results.

Read more: How energy storage systems revolutionize RES Market?

We’re talking about solutions outside of systemic investments in national infrastructure.

KK: We have a certain area of action where we can do something and maximize our capabilities, but at the same time, we do face systemic issues related to national infrastructure. We can’t avoid the fact that our transmission networks are insufficiently developed. Investments in infrastructure are necessary, but they can’t be expedited easily. These investments take a long time and cost a lot of money. Therefore, while developing infrastructure, we must also make the most of alternatives, such as energy storage and other technologies, to manage energy surpluses as efficiently as possible and ensure that the system operates as effectively as possible, including on the production management side.

Read more: Energy Project Management: The Key to Success

So, what tools in Operation & Maintenance are crucial?

KK: The key tools are various SCADA systems* and broadly understood forecasting. When it comes to forecasting, based on weather predictions — whether it’s windy or sunny — for a given location, it’s possible to determine what the expected generation should be. The appropriate data, once analyzed and processed, provide information about the generation expected from a particular source or asset for the following day. This information is then sent forward. In our dispatch center, upon receiving information about the required production, whether from the operator or the client, we use SCADA systems to apply restrictions and ensure that they are set in time and at the right level.

*SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a system that supervises and collects data in real time, enabling the monitoring and remote control of industrial processes, such as the operation of wind farms, photovoltaic farms, or power plants.

One of these systems is EMACS.

KK: Yes, it is proprietary software developed by Electrum, which offers a wide range of functionalities and improvements for asset managers and O&M operations. There is no other system on the market that provides such extensive capabilities, starting from the engineering side to managing assets and their operations. However, not all assets we manage have EMACS implemented, but this doesn’t pose any problem for us. A significant portion of the assets we handle already had a SCADA system installed earlier. In such cases, we integrate and deploy our system within our control center and train our team to use it. Not every system works the same way; some provide comprehensive information, while others may present certain issues more superficially, such as alarms or changes in the status of devices. In such cases, operators need to be more proactive in detecting irregularities or changes, which could ultimately lead to higher costs or losses for the client, for example, related to reactive power or energy dispatching.

What are the key operational and maintenance challenges for the farms you manage?

KK: The main challenge is keeping the facility in the best possible condition to ensure uninterrupted energy production. This is important both from a financial and ecological perspective. The longer the facility operates without issues, the greater its contribution to delivering green energy. Redispatching and negative prices introduce additional risks, especially when equipment is frequently turned on and off. These operations impact the lifespan of the equipment. For both wind and photovoltaic farms, turning devices on and off means additional wear, which affects their life cycle.

What about inspections? How often are they planned?

KK: Inspections should take place once a year. This is the minimum to check all equipment and ensure that everything is functioning correctly. It’s best to schedule inspections during periods of lowest generation to minimize losses. For wind farms, this is usually in the summer, while for photovoltaic farms, it’s typically after the peak sunshine season, such as late autumn.

Which tools help Electrum maintain its facilities?

KK: We have, for example, a measurement van that allows for quick and precise diagnostics of medium-voltage lines, which are the most prone to failure. With this tool, we can accurately assess the condition of the lines and plan preventive actions. It’s about detecting potential issues before they become major problems – early diagnosis enables us to plan repairs at a convenient time, which is much less costly than responding to failures. This helps avoid long downtimes and expensive repairs.

We also have a wide range of tools, including handheld thermal cameras, which allow for quick diagnostics of issues on an operating facility. Additionally, we have equipment for electroluminescence measurements, which helps assess the condition of photovoltaic panels. This is a very precise tool that shows whether there are internal cracks in the panels, which can lead to damage and, ultimately, reduced efficiency.

How do these actions translate into environmental and financial benefits?

KK: The better we manage a facility, the lower the maintenance costs and the higher its efficiency. By optimizing the operations of the farms, we also reduce the risk of energy generation interruptions, which allows for a fuller utilization of the potential of renewable sources. Ultimately, this approach supports the stability of the power system and brings us closer to a more sustainable future—based on technology, efficiency, and environmental care.

Renewable Energy Jobs: Why It’s Worth It and How to Get Started

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable Energy Sources, or RES, utilizes natural processes occurring in the environment, such as wind, sunlight, water, biomass, or geothermal energy, to produce power. This makes it:

  • Environmentally friendly – it does not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants,
  • Diverse and flexible – it can be adapted to local geographical conditions,
  • Economically beneficial – as it creates new jobs and increases energy independence.

Why Work in the Renewable Energy Sector?

Working in the renewable energy industry offers many advantages that can appeal to both new employees and experienced professionals. Here are a few reasons to consider a career in this sector:

Innovation and Growth

The Renewable Energy sector is driven by continuous growth, achieved through the implementation of new technological solutions and the improvement of existing ones. From an employee’s perspective, this growth translates into significant opportunities to shape their career path and develop professionally.

Stable and Attractive Employment Conditions

Employees who choose to build their future in the Renewable Energy sector can count not only on job stability – thanks to the industry’s dynamic growth and the creation of numerous new positions – but also on attractive working conditions, including competitive salaries.

A Job with a Mission

By working in the Renewable Energy sector, you become part of the energy transformation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing dependency on fossil fuels.

A worker on a photovoltaic farm installs PV panels.

How to Start Working in the Renewable Energy Sector?

The Renewable Energy industry offers a wide range of job opportunities – from engineering roles and sales positions to business support departments.

Below, together with our HR team, we answer the most frequently asked questions from those interested in starting a career in this field.

Is a Higher Technical Education Necessary to Start a Career in the Renewable Energy Sector?

A higher technical education is not a mandatory requirement to begin working in the Renewable Energy sector. For example, you can start a career as a service technician with a technical secondary education. However, if you aim to grow within project execution roles – such as a construction engineer or, in the future, a construction site manager – higher technical education becomes a necessity.

It’s also worth considering roles related to business development. If you aspire to become a business developer, completing studies in finance, economics, or related fields is recommended.

Desired Skills in the Renewable Energy Sector

Education is just one of many factors considered when selecting candidates during the recruitment process. Employment in the Renewable Energy sector often involves working in an international environment, making language skills—particularly English proficiency—a valuable asset. Additionally, due to the nature of the work, well-developed soft skills, such as communication and teamwork abilities, are a significant advantage.

Renewable energy jobs and two people on a wind farm.

Where to Find Job Offers in the Renewable Energy Sector?

You can find job offers for positions in the Renewable Energy sector on popular job boards and in the careers sections of industry-specific company websites.

If you’re looking for growth opportunities in the Renewable Energy sector, don’t wait—check out the current job openings at Electrum and apply today

Renewable Energy Jobs – Summary

Working in the Renewable Energy sector offers not only professional development opportunities but also the chance to contribute to a mission that supports environmental protection and sustainable development. With the right education and experience, you can expect stable employment and attractive working conditions.

What’s inside a wind turbine? Discover the interior of a wind energy generator

In this article, we embark on a journey following a wind turbine technician and discover what is inside a wind turbine.

Let’s start with entering the wind turbine

The entry into the wind turbine is through a door at the base of the tower. Upon entering, the technician finds themselves in the lower part of the wind energy generator, where the control panels are located, overseeing various aspects of the turbine’s operation, such as wind speed and the status of the generator.

Entry to the inside of the turbine – the door at the base of the wind tower.

Read how our technicians take care of the Potęgowo wind farm:

Potęgowo Wind Farm Serviced by Electrum

We are going up the wind turbine tower

Inside the tower, we can see cables running from the top to the generator, as well as safety systems. This level also houses a ladder and a service elevator, which transports technicians responsible for maintenance, repairs, and inspections of the installation. The elevator inside the turbine is also used for transporting equipment, tools, and spare parts.

Elevator inside a wind turbine.

The ride to the top can take several minutes, depending on the height of the turbine, which can reach several hundred meters.

wind turbine interior with elevator

At Electrum, we build wind farms and service turbines. Learn more about our services:

What will we find inside the top part of the wind turbine?

When we reach the top of the wind turbine, we find ourselves in the so-called nacelle, which is an enclosed cabin at the top of the tower, housing most of the key mechanisms of the entire installation. This includes the generator, gearbox, and control systems.

Now that you know what the inside a wind turbine looks like, if you want to learn more about the construction elements, from the foundations to the blades, read the article: Wind turbine components and construction

technician inside the turbine

What is the optimal solar panel tilt angle? Poland and the world

Let’s start with a short answer to the question posed in the title. The optimal solar panel tilt angle is the one that allows for capturing the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the year.

In this article, we will:

  • Explore the range of possible tilt angles for solar panels.
  • Analyze key factors that influence the choice of the optimal tilt angle.
  • Discuss revolutionary solar tracking technology.
  • Share useful links with additional resources on designing and building photovoltaic systems.
  • Explain how solar panel direction and angle affect efficiency and energy production.

Solar Panel Tilt Angle: Let’s Explore the Possible Options

Photovoltaic panels can be set at the following angles:

0° Angle (Flat Roofs)

  • This is a method of installing photovoltaic systems on flat roofs of buildings, although it is not very commonly used.
  • In this case, sunlight hits the panels at a sharp angle, especially in the morning and afternoon, which reduces the amount of energy they can capture.
  • This angle is not used for ground installations— the appropriate solar panel tilt angle for ground-mounted systems is greater to facilitate rainwater drainage and minimize shading.

Solar panel tilt angle on a flat roof.

Tilt Angles: So-Called Low Angles of About 10° to 20° (Climate of Andalusia)

  • This tilt angle for photovoltaic modules is most common in countries with a warm climate, where the sun is high in the sky for most of the year (e.g., southern Spain, Greece, United Arab Emirates).
  • Lower angles can help with better cooling of the panels, which increases their efficiency—this is significant in regions with high temperatures.
  • A low solar panel tilt angle may be desirable in areas where strong winds occur; a panel tilted this way has a smaller surface directly exposed to the wind.

The Ideal Solar Panel Tilt Angle in Poland: An Average Angle of About 30° to 40°

  • This angle allows for good energy production throughout the year in Poland and regions with a similar climate—providing a good balance between energy production in summer and winter.
  • The ideal solar panel tilt angle is always dependent on local conditions, so we cannot assume one perfect option for all locations in Poland.
  • In winter, this tilt angle for photovoltaic panels helps with natural cleaning of snow and debris.

Best tilt angle for solar panels in poland and angle of incidence of sunlight.

Innovations: Adjusting the Tilt Angle of Solar Panels

In the case of more advanced photovoltaic installations, solar tracking systems can be used to automatically adjust the tilt angle of the panels throughout the day to maximize exposure to the sun.


At Electrum, we implement such projects. Read more about it:

Another Innovative Project Completed by Electrum – PV Kotuń with Solar Tracker Technology


How do solar trackers work?

Solar trackers allow for adjusting the tilt angle of the panels. With their help, it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of photovoltaic panels and energy production.

Solar trackers follow the movement of the sun in the sky, adjusting the tilt angle of the panels in real time. They can rotate the panels both horizontally and vertically, allowing for optimal positioning throughout the day.

High Angle of About 50° to 60° (e.g., Scandinavian Countries)

  • This panel positioning is used in areas with low sunlight or to maximize efficiency in winter.
  • It is the optimal tilt angle for photovoltaic panels in many mountainous regions with a cool climate and where the sun shines low on the horizon during the winter months.
  • A high tilt angle for photovoltaic panels allows for easier snow sliding and water drainage.

Photovoltaic panels set at an angle greater than 40 degrees. Scandinavian countries.

90° Angle (Vertical Installations)

  • This is a rarely used solution that can be found in architectural installations where panels are mounted vertically.
  • It provides the opportunity to collect light in specific conditions, such as on building facades.

Solar panels at a 90-degree angle on the building facade

Choosing the best solar panel tilt angle: Location and Season

A detailed answer to the question of what is the best tilt angle for photovoltaic panels depends on several key factors.

During the design phase of a photovoltaic installation, we analyze all relevant factors and adjust the tilt angle of the panels to the specific project.


If you want to know more about designing photovoltaic farms, read:

Solar power system design


The analysis includes, among other things:

  • Location of the photovoltaic installation – geographical latitude, which affects the position of the sun in the sky (Also read: How to Choose the Best Location for Solar Panels?),
  • Season – the efficiency of the panels in winter can be increased by modifying the tilt angles of the modules,
  • Type of structure – depending on the installation method (on a roof, on the ground, on a frame structure), the ideal tilt angle of the panels may vary,
  • Purpose of the PV installation – if the photovoltaic system aims to maximize energy production in summer or winter, the tilt angle can be adjusted accordingly,
  • Shading – if there are tall buildings, trees, or other obstacles nearby, the tilt angle can be adjusted to avoid shading the panels.

Another Important Matter: Solar panel direction

Solar panel direction, or in other words, the orientation of the photovoltaic panels, refers to the direction in which the panels are set concerning the horizon.

The orientation of solar photovoltaic panels, like the tilt angle, is crucial for maximizing energy production from the installation.

Southern direction

Panels facing south are a common solution in the Northern Hemisphere (including Poland). They provide the greatest exposure to sunlight throughout the day, resulting in higher energy production.

Eastern and Western direction

If southern orientation is not possible, eastern or western orientation can also be effective. Panels facing east will produce the most energy in the morning, while panels facing west will be more efficient in the afternoon.

Northern direction

In countries located closer to the equator, where the sun is high in the sky, northern orientation may be used (for example, to avoid overheating of the panels).

However, this type of module orientation is not a standard solution.

What is the best solar panel tilt angle? Summary

Finding the optimal solar panel tilt angle is a key element in designing an installation. The angle of sunlight incidence varies across different regions of the world, and adjusting the tilt of the panels and selecting the angle allows for optimizing the performance of a photovoltaic power plant.

The possible tilt angle of the panels ranges from 0° to 90°. The optimal tilt value for panels in Poland usually ranges from 30° to 40°. Proper positioning increases the efficiency of photovoltaic panels and, consequently, your profits.

If you need a trusted partner for the design and construction of photovoltaic installations, we invite you to: Contact

And if you want to learn more about how we build large-scale photovoltaic farms, check here:

Solar farm construction: How We Do It at Electrum

Electrum Group strengthens its position in the Lithuanian energy market. A photovoltaic power plant in Tauragė developed in partnership with Ignitis Renewables.

Everto, a company within the Electrum Group—a leading Polish Climate Tech business—continues to strengthen its presence in the Lithuanian energy market by executing key renewable energy projects for top players in the sector. The company’s portfolio has expanded with the completion of a 22.1 MW solar power plant in Tauragė, for Ignitis Renewables, an international green energy company and one of the largest renewable project developers in the Baltics and Poland.

Electrum Group plays a crucial role in the rapidly growing renewable energy sector in Lithuania. A key element of Electrum’s international expansion is the operations of Everto, which offers a full range of services—from renewable energy project design and construction to maintenance and management—leveraging the expertise and know-how of Electrum Group, of which it is an integral part.

The Baltic region is a strategic direction for Electrum’s international growth, driving the Group to continuously elevate its standards. A testament to its high qualifications and compliance with Lithuanian construction regulations is the recently acquired SSVA (Statybos Sektoriaus Vystymo Agentūra) certification.

Everto at the heart of Lithuania’s energy transition

In Tauragė, a town in western Lithuania, the company completed the comprehensive construction of a photovoltaic farm on a 36.5-hectare site, covering the full range of activities (excluding design work) from site preparation and assembly to the final connection to the power grid. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Ignitis Group, which is developing an integrated business model to maximize the potential of green power generation by leveraging its extensive customer portfolio, as well as energy storage and grid infrastructure in the Baltic countries, Poland, and Finland.

Leveraging the resources of the Electrum Group, Everto was responsible for all underground work, including AC and DC cabling, grounding, and the execution and configuration of communication connections. The company also installed 1,204 tables, 58 inverters with a power of 352 kVA each, and 33,656 photovoltaic modules. The scope of work included building a medium-voltage line connecting the farm to a substation nearly 4 km away in Lauksargiai and developing local infrastructure, including the installation of KAS cabinets and energy analyzers.

“Our high qualifications and extensive experience in the installation and operation of energy equipment are confirmed by key VERT certifications and the recently obtained SSVA certification. These credentials allow us to execute large and complex renewable energy projects in Lithuania. We are proud to contribute to the development of a sustainable energy mix for our neighboring countries” said Aleksander Olszewski, Project Director at Electrum.

The Tauragė power plant, equipped with six transformer substations of 3,150 kVA each, generates 17 MW of electricity, which corresponds to an installed capacity of 22.1 MW, ensuring an efficient supply to the local power grid. The facility is fully operational, with construction taking place from May 15, 2023, and completed on July 11, 2024, demonstrating the high efficiency and professionalism of the Electrum Everto team.

Currently, the Group is executing Orlen Lietuva’s 42.2 MWp photovoltaic power plant project as part of the refinery modernization program in Mažeikiai. Everto’s activities align with the long-term strategy of supporting renewable energy sector development in all countries where the Electrum Group builds responsible partnerships.

About Electrum

The Electrum Group, based in Białystok, is a leading Polish Climate Tech business offering comprehensive solutions in the field of cutting-edge technologies for development, construction, and project management in the energy and information sectors. The technological maturity of its experts enables the delivery of products and services that address the needs of industry and business, adapting to the evolving energy transformation. Electrum develops and implements solutions for projects based on the concept of an individual energy mix, maintaining a balance between social and environmental responsibility and economic aspects.

Find out more about Electrum on our social media channels. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.


Media contact

Jan Roguz

Electrum Adapt

+48 539 732 610


Magdalena Myczko

Havas PR

+48 508 012 198



Electrum supports ORLEN Lietuva – a state-of-the-art photovoltaic power plant to be established in Mažeikiai

ORLEN Lietuva, a subsidiary of ORLEN S.A., is executing an extensive modernization program at its Mažeikiai refinery, the only one in the Baltic States. Renewable energy is one of key pillars of this process so the refinery will soon be equipped with a 42.2 MWp photovoltaic power plant. The implementation of this project has been entrusted to Electrum, a leading Polish Climate Tech company.

Solar farm

ORLEN Lietuva, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ORLEN S.A., operates the most advanced refinery in the region and serves high quality products to Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine.

In response to market trends and changes in legislature, ORLEN Lietuva is undertaking an extensive modernization program aimed at ensuring the refinery meets future quality standards and market needs. So the refinery will be equipped with a state-of-the-art renewable energy source – a 42.2 MWp photovoltaic power plant. Its construction being managed by the Białystok-based company Electrum.

„We’re continue investing in modernization of our refinery to make it the most modern plant in our region. We will continue providing high quality products for our clients. Also, we will make this plant more resilient for various market conditions. The investment in renewable energy producing high-tech photovoltaic power plant is an important step in this journey” – says Marek Golębiewski, CEO of ORLEN Lietuva.

Solar panels installation

Solar Energy to Support the Refinery

As the general contractor, Electrum is responsible for executing the design and construction work, followed by the connection of the 42.2 MWp power plant. The scope of the design work includes preparing the building and execution designs, as well as obtaining the construction permit. The construction phase will involve building the PV power plant, installing a 6kV medium voltage connection, including the preparation of cable routes within the refinery, and modifying and adapting connection points in the existing medium voltage switchgear to accommodate the power plant. The contract also includes performing measurements, commissioning, and energizing the facility.

Thorough preparation of documentation, meticulous technical verification, and execution of construction while maintaining the highest quality standards are key elements to the successful implementation of the photovoltaic power plant project for the region’s only refinery. Electrum, with nearly three decades of experience in implementing renewable and hybrid energy projects across Central and Eastern Europe, has gained yet another opportunity to solidify its reputation as a reliable partner in delivering modern and eco-friendly energy solutions.

Collaboration with ORLEN Lietuva demonstrates the crucial role ClimateTech technology plays in the energy sector and the growing awareness of climate risks. Such projects support energy efficiency and promote renewable energy sources, which are essential to our sustainability strategy” – commented Tomasz Taff, Member of the Management Board at Electrum Concreo.

Electrum Group from Białystok is expanding its operations in international markets, which is a key component of its global development strategy.

Solar power plant

About Electrum

The Electrum Group, based in Białystok, is a leading Polish Climate Tech business offering comprehensive solutions in the field of cutting-edge technologies for development, construction, and project management in the energy and information sectors. The technological maturity of its experts enables the delivery of products and services that address the needs of industry and business, adapting to the evolving energy transformation. Electrum develops and implements solutions for projects based on the concept of an individual energy mix, maintaining a balance between social and environmental responsibility and economic aspects.

Find out more about Electrum on our social media channels. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.


About ORLEN S.A. / ORLEN Lietuva

 ORLEN Group is an integrated, diversified energy group, included in the prestigious Fortune Global 500 and Platts TOP250 lists. It was the first group in the region to announce its ambition to achieve climate neutrality targets in 2050. It has recently joined the list of the 150 largest companies in the world thanks to the completion of a number of recent mergers and acquisitions. ORLEN Group today operates in 10 markets: Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Canada, Norway and Pakistan.


Media contact


Jan Roguz

Electrum Adapt

+48 539 732 610


Magdalena Myczko

Havas PR

+48 508 012 198


Industrial solar power: What You Need to Know and How to Get Started

Introduction to Industrial Solar Power

Industrial solar power can completely eliminate electricity bills and provide companies with full energy independence. The profitability of solar energy for companies is undeniable – a company utilizing solar energy is a company of the future.

How Does Industrial Photovoltaic Systems Work?

The power of an industrial solar installation is generated by converting solar energy into electricity using industrial solar panels. The operation of industrial solar power relies on large arrays of panels placed on the roofs of buildings or on designated areas. The energy produced by a solar investment can be:

  • directly used by the production facility,
  • stored,
  • or sold to the power grid.

Industrial solar power is gaining popularity rapidly. Green sources of electricity come with four solid benefits.

Solar panel installation by Electrum Holding

Benefits of solar energy for companies

Energy Independence and Financial Gains

Investing in an industrial solar power installation can make your business independent from fluctuating electricity prices, leading to significant long-term energy savings and security. Additional income can be generated from selling excess energy to the grid. The profitability of solar power for industrial use is hard to dispute. Energy independence in times of rising prices is a substantial safeguard for business.

Brand image

Eco-friendly solutions like renewable energy positively impact a company’s image among customers and business partners. By promoting and practicing eco-friendly actions, you build a reputation as a responsible and innovative enterprise, attracting new customers and investors.

Environmental Benefits

Solar for business is a progressive, clean energy source that reduces CO2 emissions and other harmful substances, contributing to environmental protection. The benefits of solar power for businesses extend beyond individual companies and industrial plants, supporting global efforts toward sustainable development.

Technological Benefits and Innovation

Solar power for industrial use represents a step toward modern and innovative technologies. Installing solar panels often coincides with implementing new energy management systems, increasing operational efficiency and profitability.

Companies choosing industrial solar panels can also benefit from advanced technological solutions, such as smart grids or industrial energy storage systems, leading to further savings and increased reliability.

Read also: How energy storage systems revolutionize RES Market?

Types of Industrial Solar Power Installations


Photovoltaic systems up to 50 kWp, which are predominant in our country. They reduce energy costs and are typically installed on the roofs of residential buildings or small businesses. These systems can meet the basic energy needs of a household or small company, making them ideal for businesses looking to reduce electricity costs.

Small Installations

From 50 kWp to 1 MWp, these installations benefit larger industrial companies and production plants, allowing significant energy savings and potential income from selling excess energy.

Large Installations

Above 1 MWp, these are designed for major industrial plants or solar farms, significantly impacting the energy balance of the region. They are ideal for companies seeking protection against energy price increases and investing in sustainable development.

Large Installation or Small Solar Installation?

What size of solar installation is suitable for companies? It all depends on the electricity demand. Solar power for manufacturing facilities: how to get started? You need to determine the energy needs of the company.

Solar power plant built by Electrum Holding

Steps to Implement Industrial Solar Power

Energy Consumption Analysis

To effectively plan the implementation of a solar installation, it is advisable to start with an analysis of energy consumption within the company. Reviewing electricity bills from the past 12 months helps to understand average monthly usage and identify seasonal fluctuations that may affect energy demand. It is also important to consider peak consumption hours, which is crucial for designing a cost-effective investment.

Tariff Structure Analysis

The next step is to understand the energy tariffs and fee structures that will determine the choice of solar power for industry. Different energy tariffs can significantly impact the savings from a solar installation, depending on the time of day and the level of energy consumption. Electricity costs can be substantially reduced if the system is optimized for the most expensive periods of consumption.

Consultation with Experts

Consultation with the energy network operator or an energy advisor is essential to obtain precise data on electricity consumption and the technical requirements for connecting the solar installation to the grid. Solar power for manufacturing facilities will offer different opportunities compared to solar power for small businesses. Experts will assist in selecting the appropriate size of the installation and advise on how to best optimize the system for the specific needs of the company, ensuring maximum benefits from the solar installation and proposing modern photovoltaic solutions.

Contact us >> We will be responsible for designing the solar installation, ensuring accurate installation, and providing monitoring solutions. Become independent from energy prices today >>

Future Development Plans

If you are planning for growth or expansion, it is important to consider these plans when estimating energy demand. The solar installation for the facility should be designed not only for current needs but also with future requirements in mind. The capabilities of the solar installation must meet future demands.

Monitoring and Optimization

Modern photovoltaic technology and energy management systems allow for real-time monitoring of energy consumption and optimization of solar installation performance. This enables businesses to continuously adjust their energy needs and maximize energy savings. The source of photovoltaic energy is under constant supervision.


Read more: Solar energy monitoring | What You Need to Know?

The size of the solar installation for companies: Availability of space and solar installation possibilities

Manufacturing companies often have large roof areas or land that can be used for installing solar panels. Roofs of production halls, warehouses, and administrative buildings are ideal places for mounting solar panels, allowing for efficient use of available space and minimizing the need for additional land. Furthermore, ground-mounted solar farms (off-grid solar for industry) can be particularly beneficial for companies with extensive land not used for other purposes.

Read also: Electrum manages 2.2 MWp Off Grid Solar System – Electrum Holding

Tax incentives: Solar power for companies

Companies can also take advantage of tax incentives, such as depreciation deductions for the purchase and installation of solar systems. Businesses can deduct costs related to the solar installation from their taxable income, reducing the total amount of income tax owed. This is a beneficial solution that reduces the financial burden on the company in the long term and simplifies the accounting for solar power in businesses.

Preferential loans for solar power

Many banks and financial institutions offer preferential loans for investments in renewable energy sources. These loans often feature low interest rates and flexible repayment terms, making them accessible to many businesses.

Solar system lease

Solar system lease is an increasingly popular form of financing, especially among companies that do not want or cannot bear the high initial costs associated with purchasing a system. Leasing allows for the costs to be spread over installments, making it easier for businesses to manage their finances.

Costs and profitability of industrial solar power. Savings for companies through solar installations

The profitability of solar power for industrial companies is undeniable. By conducting a precise analysis of energy consumption, understanding tariffs, consulting with experts, and considering future development plans, businesses can effectively implement solar systems, maximizing savings and supporting their sustainability goals. Optimal use of available spaces and leveraging available forms of financial support can further enhance the profitability of investments in solar power.

Independence from energy prices and energy savings

A solar installation for a facility allows a business to become independent from rising electricity prices. Generating its own energy protects the company from increasing energy costs, which is especially important for large manufacturing plants.

What is the payback period for solar power investment?

The payback period for an investment in solar power depends on various factors, such as the size of the installation, location, sunlight exposure, energy costs, and available forms of financial support. On average, the return on investment for a solar installation in industrial companies occurs within 5-7 years. However, it is important to remember that over time, due to increasing savings on electricity bills and potential income from selling surplus energy, the solar installation becomes increasingly profitable and helps optimize costs.

Costs and Profitability of Industrial Solar Power

The costs of installing solar power systems for industrial companies can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as:

  • system size,
  • type of solar panels,
  • installation location, and
  • level of sunlight exposure.

On average, the price for an industrial installation with a capacity of 100 kWp ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 PLN. For larger installations exceeding 1 MWp, the cost for solar power can reach between 2 to 4 million PLN, depending on technical specifications and the quality of components. However, thanks to available grants and tax incentives, the return on investment for solar power in industry can occur within just a few years. A more accurate estimation depends on the individual situation.

Choosing Solar Power for Industry: Types of Industrial Solar Installations

Companies can choose between different types of installations, including rooftop, ground-mounted, and hybrid systems that combine solar power with other energy sources, such as wind. Installations can also be integrated with energy storage systems.

Read more about this interesting solution: How Solar plus Storage Systems Work?

Choosing Solar Panels for the Facility

The selection of solar panels for a facility depends on several factors, such as available space, sunlight conditions, and the specific energy needs of the facility. It is crucial that the panels are of high quality and possess the appropriate certifications.

Solar panel installation for a Company

How to install the system? The installation process involves several stages:

  1. Energy audit
  2. System design
  3. Obtaining necessary permits
  4. Installation of solar panels and inverters
  5. Commissioning and testing the system

Professional installation ensures the efficiency and longevity of the system.

At Electrum, we are the general contractor for such projects. We are also responsible for designing the solar installation.

Discover our service: Solar farm construction: How We Do It at Electrum Holding

Solar panels installation by Electrum Holding.

Challenges of Industrial Solar Power

Industrial solar power, like any investment, comes with certain challenges. These include high initial costs, the need to obtain permits, and the management and maintenance of the system. Companies must also consider changing regulations regarding renewable energy.

Solar power for industrial use – Summary 

The ideal solar solution for a company depends on its individual energy needs, the availability of installation space, budget, and business development strategy. For small and medium-sized enterprises, smaller rooftop installations may be beneficial, while large industrial facilities might find large ground-mounted solar farms or hybrid installations with energy storage to be ideal solutions. The key is to match the technology to specific conditions and needs, ensuring maximum savings and energy efficiency.

Solar power for industry is an investment that brings tangible financial and environmental benefits. With opportunities to reduce energy costs, available subsidies, and the increasing efficiency of technology, solar power is becoming a more viable solution for both small and large companies. A well-thought-out solar investment can significantly impact a company’s profitability and its contribution to sustainable development.

Electrum to build photovoltaic (PV) project for BeGreen in Denmark

Electrum Group, a leading Polish Climate Tech business, has commenced the construction of the BeGreen operated and Equinor owned Ingerslev Å solar park in Denmark. As part of strategic expansion into new markets, Electrum will construct a PV farm with a capacity of 65.4 MWp on an area exceeding 67 hectares. As the PV EPC, Electrum is responsible for building and installing over 100,000 photovoltaic panels and six transformer stations. This project will contribute to the sustainable development of renewable energy in Denmark. The project is scheduled for completion in early 2025.

Electrum Group begins a photovoltaic project for BeGreen in Denmark.

BeGreen, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Norwegian energy company Equinor, is a leading provider of large-scale solar parks and certified green energy. BeGreen’s business approach is based on the principle of 360-degree sustainable development, ensuring that each project is carried out with long-term benefits for the environment, local communities, and the economy.

Electrum and BeGreen: Synergy in Action

As the PV EPC, Electrum is responsible for the construction of Ingerslev Å PV park, including all construction, connection, and commissioning work for the entire photovoltaic farm. The company brings over 26 years of experience in implementing numerous renewable and hybrid energy projects throughout the Central and Eastern European region, striving for compliance with the highest technical and environmental standards.

The project will be delivered by up to 100 workers, who are responsible for the construction and installation of over 100,000 PV modules. The park will be equipped with six transformer stations with a total capacity of 9 MVA. The combined length of cable lines used in the project will exceed 600 km. Currently, the piles and structures are being installed on site.

– The commencement of our first photovoltaic project in Denmark is a milestone in our business. We are proud to leverage our extensive experience and expertise in a market where over 70% of electricity generation comes from renewable sources. It is also encouraging to see that from the blend of our holistic and creative approach to business and BeGreen’s unique environmental awareness, we have once again managed to create a beneficial business partnership for the alternative energy system of the future stressed Tomasz Taff, Commercial Director at Electrum Holding.

Ingerslev Å solar park construction in Denmark has been initiated by Electrum Group.

Both Electrum Group and BeGreen prioritize supporting the communities in which they operate and preserving ecosystem integrity. BeGreen emphasizes the preservation of biodiversity through innovative programs aimed at environmental protection. This approach to responsible business practices fosters strong relationships with local communities and fosters the long-term, sustainable development of both companies.

– Our latest development in Denmark is a step toward our ambition to build a material and profitable solar portfolio in Northern Europe. We define energy transformation as a process that encompasses everything and everyone: from the smallest link in the supply chain to biodiversity. In the industry, we strive to deliver the highest and most uncompromising quality. Our partnership with Electrum as our PV EPC for the project falls in line with these efforts. Electrum has extensive experience and very high standards in the work they do, and both our companies also share a unique approach to renewable energy project development, as evidenced by our previous collaboration said Cyrille de Baracé, CTO at BeGreen.

The Electrum Group, originating from Białystok, continues its expansion into foreign markets as one of the key elements of its international business development strategy.

 About Electrum

The Electrum Group, based in Białystok, is a leading Polish Climate Tech business offering comprehensive solutions in the field of cutting-edge technologies for development, construction, and project management in the energy and information sectors. The technological maturity of its experts enables the delivery of products and services that address the needs of industry and business, adapting to the evolving energy transformation. Electrum develops and implements solutions for projects based on the concept of an individual energy mix, maintaining a balance between social and environmental responsibility and economic aspects.

Find out more about Electrum on our social media channels. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

About BeGreen

 BeGreen is a Danish solar developer established in 2017 as part of the Bregentved Group. In November 2022, BeGreen was acquired by Equinor, and today BeGreen is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Norwegian energy company. BeGreen develops, builds and maintains large-scale solar parks in Denmark, Sweden, and Poland with a 360 degree approach to sustainability in all projects from cradle to grave. To date, BeGreen has built 9 utility-scale solar plants in Denmark with a total annual energy production of 650 GWh. This corresponds to the annual energy consumption of 200,000 people.

Media contact


Jan Roguz

Electrum Adapt

+48 539 732 610


Magdalena Myczko

Havas PR

+48 508 012 198




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