
Hybrid RES Power Plants are those that combine various types of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, biomass, and water. The aim of this combination is to increase the efficiency and reliability of energy production, independent of weather conditions or time of day. Hybrid RES Power Plants can also make use of energy storage […]

Wind turbines are one of the most environmentally friendly and renewable sources of energy. However, to ensure their reliable and efficient operation, they require regular maintenance and servicing. Wind turbine service involves inspecting the technical condition, cleaning, lubricating, replacing worn parts, and repairing any damages. The goal of wind turbine service is to ensure the […]

Solar power plants are among the most promising sources of renewable energy, helping to reduce carbon emissions and save on costs. However, to fully benefit from this technology, proper solar power maintenance is essential. In this article, you’ll learn about: The process of solar power maintenance, Diagnostic systems that monitor the condition of panels, inverters, […]

Energy Systems and Devices Related to Renewable Energy Renewable energy systems and devices are a crucial step toward sustainable and ecological development. Wind farms, as a part of the Polish energy system, are becoming an increasingly visible element of the landscape. At Electrum, we strive to create a sustainable energy future that delivers energy from […]

I. What are PV panels? 1.1 Definition of Photovoltaic Panels Photovoltaic panels, also known as PV panels or solar panels, are devices that capture electrical energy from solar radiation. This is achieved by utilizing the photovoltaic effect, where solar photons generate electric current in specialized modules. Photovoltaic panels (PV) are a technology that is gaining […]

A General Contractor for Power Grids (GWSE) is an entity that specializes in the comprehensive implementation of investments related to the construction and modernization of power grids. The general contractor provides its clients with services at every stage of the project, from technical and economic analysis to obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, through to […]

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