What is Sustainable Development? Sustainable development involves achieving designated economic goals while operating ethically, respecting the natural environment, and the communities surrounding the organization. Which areas in a company are worth focusing on in the context of sustainable development? Examples of sustainable development Energy Resource Management When managing energy, attention to detail matters. Opt for […]
The transformations in the energy sector are making the wind farm construction an increasingly popular choice among investors interested in renewable energy sources. The popularization of this method of electricity generation leads to the creation of new jobs for specialists working in wind turbine maintenance. Responsibilities of a wind turbine service technician Wind turbine maintenance […]
Climate change brings an urgent need to create a new power system where renewable and zero-emission energy sources play the leading role. One of the challenges in this process is that modern power grids were not designed for power plants where energy production is unstable. Wind and solar energy sources are highly dependent on weather […]
What is Renewable Energy? Renewable Energy Sources, or RES, utilizes natural processes occurring in the environment, such as wind, sunlight, water, biomass, or geothermal energy, to produce power. This makes it: Environmentally friendly – it does not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants, Diverse and flexible – it can be adapted to local geographical conditions, […]
In this article, we embark on a journey following a wind turbine technician and discover what is inside a wind turbine. Let’s start with entering the wind turbine The entry into the wind turbine is through a door at the base of the tower. Upon entering, the technician finds themselves in the lower part of […]
Let’s start with a short answer to the question posed in the title. The optimal solar panel tilt angle is the one that allows for capturing the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the year. In this article, we will: Explore the range of possible tilt angles for solar panels. Analyze key factors that influence the […]