Electrum and Łukasz Więcek Present: Electrum Eco Hive

Electrum Eco Hive: The City of the Future

Electrum Group, a leading Climate Tech business in Poland, presents a unique project: Electrum Eco Hive – a city of the future built by Łukasz Więcek using over 50,000 LEGO bricks. The creator is the runner-up of the first edition of LEGO Masters Poland. Electrum Eco Hive is designed as a unique city where new climate and energy technologies harmonize with the residents’ way of life.


Electrum Eco Hive was unveiled on April 23rd at the Epi-Center of Science in Białystok, where it will be a permanent exhibit. 


“The city is designed to be independent of traditional, coal-based energy sources. Instead, it features renewable solutions such as wind turbines, solar farms, agrivoltaics, and floating panels on lakes. Residents of smart buildings, users of public transport, urban infrastructure, and smart factories in Electrum Eco Hive benefit from clean, green energy,” explains Jan Roguz, Brand Business Partner at Electrum. 


Turbiny wiatrowe Lego. Electrum Eco Hive


LEGO Eco Urbanism 


The architectural concept of the project is based on nine interactive modules aimed at presenting innovative urban planning approaches and showcasing the diversity of renewable energy technologies. The goal of the Electrum Eco Hive initiative is to educate about a future where clean and safe energy sources, used intelligently, become the foundation of our daily lives. 


“Collaborating on Electrum Eco Hive is a unique experience in my career. Although it still involves LEGO bricks, the project differs from my previous endeavors. Building an entire interactive city is undoubtedly a huge construction challenge. Each module is highly diverse and required a lot of commitment and attention from us. The project addresses a very current and significant topic. I am proud that our joint work with Electrum will inspire future generations to take action for environmental protection,” says Łukasz Więcek about working on Electrum Eco Hive. 


Electrum Ecohive


Where to See Electrum Eco Hive? 


Electrum Eco Hive will become a permanent feature of the energy lab, part of the Main Exhibition at the Epi-Center of Science. It is a perfect complement to the multimedia model of Białystok presented there, showing the scale of heat and electricity production from a traditional combined heat and power plant and from Białystok’s waste incineration plant. 


“I am very pleased that the Electrum Eco Hive model will be showcased at the Epi-Center of Science in Białystok. We hope this unique installation will inspire both the youngest and adults to actively engage in shaping the sustainable future of our cities. Building with LEGO bricks often reminds us of using instructions to create a specific model. In the case of the Electrum Eco Hive model, we are dealing with an out-of-the-box and exceptionally creative project. Similarly, the world of modern technologies and innovative solutions is driven by the unconventional discoveries of scientists and the ideas of technology industry representatives. We warmly invite everyone, including those from more distant parts of Poland, to visit the Epi-Center of Science in Białystok and explore Electrum Eco Hive,” comments Marek Jurzysta, the manager of the Epi-Center of Science in Białystok. 


Electrum Eco Hive is an educational adventure about renewable energy sources and sustainable development. The Electrum Eco Hive city will serve as a tool for children and teenagers, introducing them to the world of modern, eco-friendly technologies that align with their lifestyle. 


Electrum plans to organize a series of educational workshops that will reach various centers across Poland to impart knowledge about sustainable development to the youngest generations through one of the world’s best playthings: LEGO. 


miasto electrum eco hive



About the Epi-Center of Science in Białystok 

The Epi-Center of Science, operating within the Białystok Science and Technology Park, is the largest science popularization center in Eastern Poland. It includes the Little Explorer Zone for the youngest visitors and the Main Exhibition aimed at all ages, featuring 100 experimental stations from various scientific fields. The Epi-Center of Science is a unique and fascinating place that invites active exploration, ignites interest in technical and natural sciences, stimulates creativity, and encourages asking questions and challenging answers. All this is to make it easier to understand the world around us and the laws that govern it. 


More information about the Epi-Center of Science can be found at www.epi-centrum.bialystok.pl and on their social media channels on Facebooku and Instagramie. 


About Electrum

Electrum Group is a leading Polish Climate Tech business based in Białystok, offering comprehensive solutions in the latest technology development, construction, and project management in the areas of energy and information. The technological maturity of its experts allows for the delivery of products and services that meet the changing needs of industry and business with the ongoing energy transition. It creates and implements solutions and builds projects based on the idea of an individual energy mix, maintaining a balance between the social and environmental responsibility of business and the economic aspect.

More about the Electrum Group can be found on our social media channels at LinkedIn, Facebooku and Instagramie.

Press contact

Jan Roguz

Electrum Adapt


tel. +48 539 732 610

Magdalena Myczko

Havas PR


tel. +48 508 012 198

Cable Pooling – Optimal Resource Utilization and RES Development

What You Need to Know About Cable Pooling?

Cable pooling is an innovative practice involving the shared use of infrastructure by multiple installations, such as wind farms and photovoltaic farms. This concept is inherently linked to hybrid installations.


Table of Contents


Power Sharing

In the March 2024 report from the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE), one of the key topics is power sharing. This solution aims to efficiently use network resources within the existing legal framework and facilitate the connection of renewable energy sources (RES) installations.

Cable pooling


In the above graphic, you see a hydroelectric, photovoltaic, and wind power plant integrated within a single energy system. The shared use of transmission cables allows multiple energy sources to feed the grid.


See how:

Electrum launched Poland’s first hybrid energy-information system, integrating RES and energy storage systems.


Increase in Renewable Energy Capacity

The noticeable increase in the capacity of installed renewable energy sources (RES) is a significant factor in power sharing. This dynamic trend translates into a growing share of electricity from RES in the national power system.

instalacja hybrydowa oze


With the increasing capacity of RES, there is significant progress towards a more sustainable and ecological energy system. Renewable energy sources are becoming an increasingly integral part of the energy landscape, providing not only increased energy independence but also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts associated with traditional energy sources. Thus, investments in the development of RES capacity contribute to building a more sustainable and future-oriented energy infrastructure.

Development of Cable Pooling

The development of cable pooling, the practice of combining several renewable energy sources (RES) installations at a single connection point, is a significant area of interest for the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE).

This flexible strategy allows for much more efficient use of existing power infrastructure. It is crucial for increasing the share of RES in overall energy production. Cable pooling enables the consolidation of various RES installations, such as wind farms, solar power plants, or biogas installations, allowing for optimal resource use and better energy network management. This innovative practice improves not only efficiency but also the stability and sustainability of the energy system.

Cable Pooling Solutions and Their Benefits

Kable na farmie fotowoltaicznej.

The principles of cable pooling are clearly defined, aiming to facilitate the process of connecting new RES installations to the power grid. The introduction of these solutions aims to stimulate the development of renewable energy.

  1. Increased Efficiency: The shared use of connection infrastructure makes the connection process more efficient and flexible.
  2. Optimal Resource Utilization: Cable pooling allows for better use of the network’s transmission and distribution capacities, which is crucial for the development of the RES sector.
  3. One Agreement, Multiple Installations: Thanks to cable pooling, it is possible to enter into a single connection agreement for multiple RES installations, simplifying the administrative process.

In the context of cable pooling, the President of URE also emphasizes the need to secure technical capabilities to avoid exceeding the connection capacity, which requires cooperation between the connected entities and the OSE.

The full text of the URE President’s communications can be found on the official website of the Energy Regulatory Office. Information No. 15/2024 – Communications from the President of URE – Energy Regulatory Office 


Read also:

Comprehensive Energy Solutions: Optimal Resource Utilization

Talent Days 2024: Electrum at the Job Fair in Warsaw

Talent Days 2024: Electrum at the Job Fair in Warsaw

On April 4th, the Talent Days Job Fair was held at the PGE Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw. Our company, Electrum, had the pleasure of participating in this event. It was an excellent opportunity to meet potential employees, share our experience, and present the opportunities that come with working at Electrum.

Career Opportunities at Electrum 

The Talent Days Job Fair provided an excellent opportunity to attract new talent. Our company actively sought young specialists who would like to join our team. We were ready to answer all questions related to a career at Electrum.

Inspiring Meetings 

Our presence at the Job Fair brought many benefits. We had numerous conversations with potential employees, showcased our latest projects in renewable energy, information technology, and engineering. It was an opportunity to share our passion and vision for work and the development of the Climate Tech industry.

Lego Electrum

Electrum at the Job Fair in Warsaw – Summary 

The Talent Days Job Fair was not only an opportunity for Electrum to recruit but also to build relationships with young talents and other companies. Our presence contributed to the further development of Electrum, and the interest in our company was very high. We are confident that we will attract new talents to our team.

Stoisko Electrum na Targach Pracy w Warszawie

Current Job Offers 

We invite you to visit our Electrum Career page, where you can find our current job offers. We are looking for passionate individuals who want to create the future with us.

Check it out: www.electrum.pl/kariera 

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