PV panel maintenance: The key to extended life and efficiency

PV panel maintenance

Photovoltaic (PV) panels are one of the most popular and environmentally friendly sources of renewable energy. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the installed capacity of PV panels worldwide reached over 700 GW in 2020, and is expected to grow to over 1500 GW by 2030. However, for PV panels to effectively contribute to green energy production, proper maintenance and servicing are essential.

PV Panel Maintenance – What Does It Involve?

PV panel maintenance involves regular checks of their technical condition, cleaning from dust, dirt, and snow, repairing any damage and faults, and optimizing their performance and lifespan.

PV System Inspection

PV system inspection focuses on elements such as technical condition verification, controls and tests, monitoring of energy production, and supporting systems for the farm’s operation.

Cleaning Solar Panels

Cleaning is a crucial part of PV panel maintenance. Any contamination can reduce the efficiency of the system.

Monitoring PV Systems

Monitoring systems allow for real-time tracking of energy production. They also enable monitoring of energy consumption and performance. With these systems, it’s possible to detect faults early, and all data can be analyzed to optimize the operation of the solar farm.

Discover Our Proprietary Monitoring System:


PV panel maintenance by Electrum Holding

What Are the Innovations in PV Panel Maintenance?

Traditional PV panel maintenance requires frequent and time-consuming human involvement to physically check, clean, and repair panels. However, technological advancements have introduced innovations in PV panel maintenance that can automate and simplify the process. Here are some of them:

PV Panel Cleaning Robots

These devices can automatically move across the surface of PV panels and remove contaminants using brushes, water, air, or other methods. PV panel cleaning robots can operate in various weather conditions without damaging the panels and with minimal energy consumption.

PV Panel Inspection Drones

These unmanned aerial vehicles can capture high-quality images and videos of PV panels from different angles and distances. Inspection drones can use specialized thermal cameras to show temperature distribution on the panels, indicating potential damage or overheating.

PV Panel Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems

These are software and hardware solutions that enable remote tracking and analysis of PV panel performance parameters, such as:

  • Voltage
  • Current
  • Temperature
  • Power
  • Efficiency

Diagnostic systems can detect and report any anomalies, damage, or performance drops, allowing for quick intervention and repair.

What Are the Benefits of Professional PV Panel Maintenance?

PV panel maintenance is essential because it impacts several key aspects of their operation, including:


Maintaining PV panels prevents efficiency losses caused by contamination, shading, damage, or material degradation. Studies show that regular cleaning of PV panels can improve their performance by up to 30%.


Maintaining PV panels extends their lifespan, which depends on material quality, weather conditions, and operational factors. Regular maintenance helps detect and fix issues, potentially extending the lifespan of panels by up to 10 years.


Additionally, maintaining solar panels ensures safety for both users and the environment. Malfunctioning or damaged PV panels can pose fire, electrical, or mechanical hazards, and may emit harmful substances into the atmosphere or soil. Therefore, PV panel maintenance should be performed by qualified and certified specialists.

Maintenance of pv panels by Electrum Holding.

Preventing Financial Losses

Faulty or damaged PV panels can lead to reduced energy production, and even fires or electric shocks. Regular maintenance helps prevent such issues, enhancing safety and cost savings.

PV panel maintenance: Summary

Maintaining solar panels is a crucial aspect of managing PV farms. In other words, it involves managing PV panel arrays installed over large areas that supply energy to the grid or local consumers. Managing PV farms requires not only monitoring and keeping PV panels in good condition but also optimizing their performance, costs, and profits, as well as minimizing their environmental impact. PV farm management is a complex and multi-dimensional process that demands advanced tools and methods.

Wind farm maintenance: Innovations and challenges in operation


wind farm maintenanceWind energy is one of the key elements of Poland’s and Europe’s energy transition. Wind farms, both onshore and offshore, are a source of cheap and clean energy that contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy security. However, the operation and maintenance (O&M) of wind farms requires specialised knowledge and experience, as well as continuous adaptation to changing market and technological conditions.

Aspects of Wind farm maintenance

The O&M of wind farms encompasses many aspects, such as monitoring, maintenance, repair, optimisation, insurance, risk management, data analysis, reporting, as well as collaboration with other actors such as grid operators, service providers, regulators, landowners, or local communities. All these tasks require the right tools, systems, and procedures to ensure efficiency, reliability, and compliance with applicable regulations.

Innovations that Facilitate the Operation of Wind Farms Include:

  • The development of remote monitoring and control systems that allow wind turbine performance to be tracked, faults to be detected and diagnosed, and generators to be started and stopped remotely.
  • The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse data and forecast production, demand, prices, and weather conditions to optimise wind farm operations and increase profitability.
  • The use of drones and robots to inspect and maintain wind turbines, reducing the cost, time, and risk associated with altitude work.
  • Integrating and processing data in an accessible and readable way and monitoring and controlling the processes involved in generating, storing, and using energy from a RES source. Services in this area can be successfully implemented by EMACS, a proprietary SCADA system.
  • The introduction of new technologies and materials, such as lighter and stronger blades, smart coatings, cooling and lubrication systems, which improve the efficiency and durability of wind turbines.Wind farm maintenance is therefore a dynamic and complex process that requires not only knowledge and experience, but also innovation and flexibility. Only in this way can the full potential of wind energy be realised and contribute to the sustainable development of Poland and Europe.

Read more: Breakthrough Technologies in Wind Farm Management: From Theory to Practice | Electrum

Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems – The Future of the Market

Despite the undeniable advantages of renewable energy sources, the issue of their variable efficiency due to external factors sometimes arises. By employing hybrid systems and through proper energy management, the risk of system instability can be minimized, and production capabilities maximized.

What Are Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems?

The goal of using hybrid renewable energy systems is to compensate for the limitations and benefits of different energy generation methods. These power plants consist of at least two independent installations utilizing different energy sources – most commonly wind and solar. When sunlight is weaker, such as in winter or autumn, the wind typically blows stronger, and conversely, during summer when the wind dies down, the sun shines more intensely. As a result, these systems generate energy almost continuously. Besides the solar-wind “hybrid,” connections between wind and/or solar farms with energy storage systems are also gaining popularity.

Electrum Designs and Builds Hybrid Systems as One of the Few Companies in Poland

Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

The Electrum Group is one of the few companies in Poland that designs and builds hybrid farms. Our activities also include managing renewable energy devices that are part of the hybrid system, monitoring renewable energy, and servicing renewable energy systems.

Jacek Popławski, Director of Strategy and Development at Electrum Group:

“Hybrid systems supported by smart information technology represent the future of the energy market. Hybridization is one of the cornerstones of our mission to support and accelerate the energy transition. With such solutions, we are one step closer to achieving green, decentralized energy islands composed of renewable energy sources, storage systems, nuclear power, and other essential elements. And this is just the beginning of our journey and revolution.”

A flagship project of this type undertaken by Electrum will be a solar-wind power plant with a capacity of 205 MW, located in the Kleczew municipality in the Greater Poland Voivodeship. It will become one of the largest hybrid facilities of its kind in Poland. In addition to the photovoltaic and wind farms, the investment will eventually include an energy storage system. The completion of the first phase of the investment, which is the construction of the solar farm, is planned for the second half of 2023. The wind farm is expected to be completed in 2024, with the energy storage system planned for a later stage of the project.

Renedium 1.0 Regulator Implemented at Grabowo Wind Farm

Good news from the Grabowo Wind Farm, with a target capacity of 44 MW, where last week the transformer station successfully underwent the first voltage application procedure. This also marks the first energization involving Renedium 1.0, a device for regulating reactive and active power.

The Grabowo Wind Farm is a renewable energy project completed in a record short time. In just over eight months, specialists from Electrum Concreo, a sister company of Electrum Solutions, built 18 km of high-voltage lines, 100,000 m² of roads and assembly areas, and 20 wind turbine foundations.

The Renedium 1.0 active and reactive power regulator is operational at the Grabowo Wind Farm

Grabowo Wind Farm

It is in Grabowo where Electrum’ product, Renedium 1.0, makes its debut. This regulator is used for controlling active and reactive power. This one compact device will control the power transformer (ARN automation), reactors (both regulated and static), and a capacitor bank. The power regulator is listed on the PTPiREE white list and is confirmed to comply with the requirements of the NC RfG code, and it also meets the requirements of IRiESP, IRiESD, and the conditions for connecting the facility.

Green energy will reduce CO2 emissions

The construction and powering of the turbines is the next stage of the wind farm’s development, with completion planned for the third quarter of 2023. Thanks to this green investment, we will avoid emitting over 121,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually, and we will be able to supply clean and renewable electricity to more than 64,000 households.

Read more about wind farm construction

Wind Farm Services – New Offering

We have introduced a new service in our offering— wind farm services and management. We provide comprehensive turbine maintenance and verification of the technical condition of equipment.

The high quality and wide range of services are based on our multidisciplinary competencies (automation, design, construction, energy), as well as the know-how gained from strategic contracts in the Polish renewable energy sector. We also have extensive experience in monitoring GPO stations and have many MW of wind energy in our portfolio of completed projects.

Wind Farm Service

We offer a high-quality, comprehensive service that covers the full spectrum of renewable energy installations, unique in the Polish market. Our offer includes not only parts repairs and inspections but also risk mitigation or transfer, post-warranty turbine service, and services crucial for extending the operational life of the facility.

Wind farm services by Electrum Holding

Electrum Wind Farm Services – What does wind farm management involve?

Our wind farm management services can be divided into several key elements.

Wind farm management includes:

Preventive maintenance

Regularly performed maintenance allows for the repair of most minor faults resulting from parts wear.

Inspections and major repairs

Our services include diagnostics of damage in case of failure, regular inspections, as well as comprehensive repairs of major components.

Turbine audit

This service allows for the assessment of the technical condition of a wind turbine before the warranty expires. The procedure is also recommended before purchasing a used turbine.

Read also: Wind turbine maintenance

Emergency service

Provides quick repairs in the event of a sudden failure.

24/7 monitoring

We have one of the most modern dispatch centers in the country. Our experienced dispatchers monitor facilities 24/7 and have the competencies to perform initial diagnostics of problems.

Asset management

Comprehensive wind farm management services, including technical, legal, and financial aspects.

Read also: Wind farm maintenance: Innovations and challenges in operation

The Dispatch Center and Service Technicians – The Core of the O&M Department

Electrum oversees more than half a thousand wind turbines, which translates to 1,225.6 MW of energy. We also provide O&M services on PV facilities generating nearly 150 MWp of power. This wouldn’t be possible without our experienced dispatchers and service technicians!

Wind turbine and Electrum service technicians

Our O&M experience dates back to 2012—these were the early days of Operations & Maintenance in Poland. In 2016, we established a dedicated service department and created a modern dispatch center. Today, we operate within the Electrum Group as part of a holding that offers services across the entire value chain of renewable energy projects. The quality of Electrum’s services, however, primarily stems from the expert skills of our people.

One of The Most Experienced O&M Team in Poland

We are not only one of the longest-operating dispatch centers in Poland but also one of the most advanced. We stand out with the highest standards in cybersecurity. It is worth noting that many of the farms we service operate on the EMACS platform—our proprietary SCADA system. With our own automation department, we can offer tailor-made SCADA solutions, customized to meet the needs of each investment.

Electrum’s O&M Department includes:

  • Dispatchers with the most experience in the country
  • The ability to remotely repair faults on PV and wind farm facilities
  • A guarantee of quick response to sudden failures
  • Years of collaboration with DSO and TSO
  • Top-level cybersecurity
  • Experienced service technicians with high problem-solving skills

O&M Services – Białystok and All of Poland

In the facilities we service, our primary concern is to ensure that the infrastructure operates without failures and with as few planned downtimes as possible. In our daily work, we focus on monitoring and promptly responding to faults and changes in system operation. The experience of our dispatchers often allows us to quickly identify irregularities, thereby preventing significant losses or failures. However, the O&M service not only involves ongoing monitoring but also preventive and corrective maintenance.

Read more about:

Solar energy monitoring 

Wind farm service and photovoltaic farm service

A good O&M service is not just about reacting to current faults. The experienced Electrum service team not only performs repairs but also conducts periodic inspections. When such inspections are carried out at appropriate intervals, they help avoid most faults resulting, for example, from the wear and tear of spare parts. These audits also include winter inspections, which are carried out using thermography. This service is individually tailored to the client’s needs.

Read more about:

Wind turbine maintenance

A typical O&M services include inspections:

  • Recommended by the equipment manufacturer,
  • During the warranty period,
  • Required by Polish building law.

Not Just O&M Services Related to Warranties and Insurance

We support our clients not only by servicing and monitoring facilities. We provide comprehensive services related to energy asset management — technical asset management and comprehensive asset management. It is also worth noting the possibility of supporting the client in the event of a warranty or insurance claim. This service may include a report for the insurer, damage assessment, and a list of parts that may fail as a result of the event, but after some time.

Solar energy monitoring – What You Need to Know?

Solar energy monitoring system is one of the components of the Operation & Maintenance service that we offer. It is a crucial element of managing and maintaining a photovoltaic installation. It allows for real-time tracking of the performance of photovoltaic panels and early detection of potential problems.

Solar farm monitoring systems and an experienced team of dispatchers enable effective protection of the facility from shutdowns caused by failures. Professional monitoring of photovoltaic installations and well-conducted O&M services are also investments that help extend the lifespan of the power plant and maximize returns on investment.

Monitoring Photovoltaic Panels Installations and Efficiency

One of the primary parameters worth monitoring is the efficiency of photovoltaic panels. Online monitoring of the installation in this regard allows for comparing actual performance with the set parameters and detecting drops in efficiency, which may indicate the need for an inspection or repair of the panels.

Photovoltaic monitoring systems and the ability to quickly detect faults or irregularities are key forms of protection for farms against shutdowns. Panel efficiency also depends on other factors, such as cleanliness—photovoltaic system components are checked during inspections.

Monitoring Inverter Performance

Another important parameter in photovoltaic monitoring is inverter monitoring. Inverters are electronic devices that convert direct current electricity into alternating current electricity. In other words, they convert the electricity generated by photovoltaic panels into energy for use. Monitoring inverter performance allows for early detection of potential failures or drops in efficiency, which can prevent more significant damage and downtime in energy production.

Managing a Solar Farm – Online Monitoring of Installations and External Factors

In addition to technical parameters, it is also worth monitoring weather conditions, such as sunlight, temperature, and humidity. These parameters can significantly impact the efficiency and durability of photovoltaic panels. We use SCADA systems, including our proprietary system for managing PV farms and other renewable energy facilities, to monitor these conditions.

Solar farm monitoring and the Proprietary EMACS System

The proprietary EMACS system allows for monitoring both internal devices and data from external information sources, such as weather conditions. Systematic online monitoring and observation of device performance at specific times of day can be crucial in the early detection of faults in systems operating on photovoltaic farms. This can reduce the costs of the photovoltaic farm and its maintenance by detecting irregularities early and quickly restoring devices to optimal operation.

Solar energy monitoring in Electrum Holding Białystok.

Solar power plant monitoring at Electrum’s Dispatch Center in Białystok

Electrum’s dispatch center in Białystok Photovoltaic Monitoring Systems – SCADA and EMACS

We observe all the operational elements of photovoltaic modules and many other factors in the facilities entrusted to us at the monitoring center, the dispatch center.

Electrum has not only one of the most modern but also one of the longest-operating facilities of this type in the entire country. The alarm and work monitoring system for large photovoltaic and wind power plants is highly trusted in the market. Our experts use monitoring and control systems for photovoltaic farms such as SCADA systems, including the proprietary EMACS system, which combines the advantages of SCADA systems with business analysis tools.

Thanks to the experience of Electrum dispatchers in photovoltaic monitoring and the strong emphasis on cybersecurity in Electrum’s solutions, we offer the highest quality O&M farm management service. We can detect many potential faults resulting from the operation of a photovoltaic farm at a very early stage and then repair them remotely.

Through the O&M and photovoltaic monitoring service, we guarantee exceptionally high availability of the entrusted facility. It is worth adding that we currently manage renewable energy facilities generating nearly 1.3 GW of wind energy and PV facilities with a total capacity of just under 150 MWp.

Solar Installation Inspection – An Element of Monitoring Renewable Energy

Solar installation inspection is as important an element of Operation & Maintenance as the monitoring of photovoltaic farms. It should be conducted regularly to ensure proper operation and prevent potential failures resulting from equipment use. Scheduled periodic inspections should be carried out, during which the technical condition of the entire installation and its individual components, including panels, wiring, inverters, and converters, is checked.

O&M Conference – Operation and Management of PV Farms

Photovoltaics in Poland and Europe is currently the fastest-growing technology in the energy market. The increase in new capacities from photovoltaic installations presents many opportunities, but also challenges for many sectors.

The key to reducing potential investment risk from renewable energy sources, lowering costs, and increasing system reliability lies in high-quality operational and maintenance services—this was the focus of the first O&M Operation and Management of PV Farms conference. The conference, organized by the Polish Photovoltaic Association, took place in Warsaw on March 23-24, 2022.

The Photovoltaic Market in Poland and the O&M Industry

The first edition of the O&M Operation and Management of PV Farms conference brought together representatives of industry leaders and a range of stakeholders interested in PV investments. It was the first, but certainly not the last, event of its kind. We are pleased to have been a partner of the conference.

Best Practices in Renewable Energy Facility Maintenance

Participants had the opportunity to network and exchange opinions on best O&M practices. The lectures and workshops provided a chance to share knowledge on how to develop the best solutions for their investments and effectively manage PV farms. Two days of substantive presentations, networking sessions, and meetings with exhibitors offered not only practical knowledge but also inspiring discussions.

o&m coference

High-Quality O&M for Photovoltaic Facilities in Poland

Electrum Solutions experts, Maciej Biegański, Head of Automation, and Krzysztof Kuc, Head of O&M, participated in the workshop session. In their presentation, “O&M Service as a Tool for Maximizing Profits from Renewable Energy Investments – A Case Study,” they argued that standardized monitoring and support are not sufficient for the success of a comprehensive O&M service. Drawing from their experience, they emphasized the importance of technological maturity, experience in process automation, and competence in solving complex problems throughout the process. The presentation, supported by numerous examples from PV facilities in Poland, aimed to show the audience that a well-executed O&M can provide tools to better utilize the potential of photovoltaic farms and reduce energy production losses.

Better Operation of Solar Installations

As Maciej Biegański emphasized at the conference, there is still much to be done in the field of O&M, and market demands and conditions are changing very quickly. To stay at the forefront, one must be inspired by the solutions of leaders and be open to market feedback. With many years of industry experience, Electrum Solution experts understand the practical possibilities of using O&M services as a way to reduce maintenance costs for PV installations and other renewable energy facilities. During the conference and the plenary presentation, the proprietary SCADA system—EMACS—presented at the conference, generated considerable interest. It is a platform that can be easily integrated into the entire O&M process for photovoltaic power plants, as well as wind farms and other renewable energy facilities.

Professional Monitoring and High-Quality Service for PV Farms

We have completed two intensive days of meetings, discussions, and inspiration. We also had the pleasure of sharing our knowledge and experience from many years of working in the Operation & Maintenance service. We are pleased that the presentation on maximizing profits from renewable energy investments attracted the interest of event participants and received a strong response.

Our case study certainly proved that only high-quality O&M—combining professional monitoring, an experienced service team, and the technological maturity of SCADA system engineers—can effectively ensure the continuity of facility operations and, thereby, significantly increase profits from renewable energy sources.

EMACS – A SCADA System to Support the Energy Industry

Tools and methods for minimizing, optimizing, and balancing energy will play a key role in building an increasingly eco-friendly energy mix in Poland. An important aspect of this is advanced IT solutions for the renewable energy market, such as the SCADA system.

Supporting Energy Transformation

To adapt the Polish energy mix to the carbon dioxide emission restrictions in Europe, comprehensive actions are needed. In 2020, electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) accounted for nearly 18 percent of electricity (mainly from solar and wind power). This is still an insufficient amount of energy from RES. To effectively move in the right direction, it is not enough to modify existing technologies that rely primarily on fossil fuels. New solutions are also needed, including digital tools for the IT sector.

Energy management system SCADA for the Renewable Energy Sector

The energy sector needs IT solutions that will accelerate the industry’s development and positively impact operational efficiency. SCADA systems (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) are an essential part of automation systems — enabling control of efficiency at the level of individual processes.

Among the solutions available on the market, Electrum’s proprietary system stands out — EMACS (Everything Monitoring and Control System), designed primarily for the energy sector, industry, and life science solutions. The energy management system SCADAallows for the integration, processing, and presentation of data from many sources — both internal and external — into one cohesive system developed specifically for the unique needs of renewable energy and life science facilities.

EMACS – Combining the Advantages of a SCADA System and Business Analytics

For a long time, SCADA systems were sufficient tools for monitoring and managing energy assets. However, the industry now requires increasingly complex solutions. The EMACS system is a platform that combines functions typical of a classic SCADA system—for example, it allows for monitoring a photovoltaic farm or managing a wind farm.

The proprietary SCADA system – EMACS integrates data from various sources:

  • Wind farms
  • Solar farms
  • Distribution network
  • Energy storage systems
  • Consumer devices
  • Weather information
  • Financial information

Data presentation allows for the quick detection of potential faults, diagnostics, or remote repairs. The solution created by Electrum experts expands the functions of a typical SCADA system with features for business analysis.

EMACS System – A Service for the Energy Industry

The EMACS system combines the advantages of a classic SCADA system, an Internet of Things platform, and a microgrid modeling system with Business Intelligence software. EMACS is also an innovative and technologically advanced service, enabling the processing and presentation of data from multiple sources.

This proprietary energy management system SCADA allows for monitoring and controlling processes related to the production, storage, and consumption of energy. Moreover, it is very user-friendly—accessible from a web browser, with easy access management for individual functionalities. EMACS is also a tool with guaranteed cybersecurity. It serves as a platform for asset management, Operation & Maintenance, and EPC.

SCADA System by Electrum on a Large-Scale PV Farm

Large photovoltaic farms are capable of delivering a significant amount of energy, which is particularly important in the context of environmental protection and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Zgorzelec Energy Cluster is one such initiative that we helped realize as part of the Electrum Group. 

The Electrum Group, acting as a One Stop Shop, utilized its competencies across the full project lifecycle, executing a contract to build infrastructure with a capacity of 55 MWp in a “design and build” format. Electrum also provided the SCADA system for solar power plant. Here are the components of the implementation. 

The implementation of the large-scale photovoltaic farm in the “design and build” format included: 

  • Infrastructure with a capacity of 55 MWp (of which 49 MWp was connected by Electrum experts) 
  • A microgrid for 10 households powered by an intelligent medium-voltage network system 
  • A SCADA system with a connection capacity of 55 MWp, featuring a proprietary EMACS system delivered by Electrum Solutions 
  • 55 individual metering points, 68 energy meters, and over 40,000 variables 

Read also: SCADA Systems in Energy Source Management | Electrum Holding

Monitoring of the Photovoltaic Installation – Implementation Components 

  • Design and execution of the monitoring system for photovoltaic installations and the 20/110 kV GPO 
  • Online data management from inverters, protections, analyzers, energy meters, and meteorological devices 
  • Online data management from the GPO and the GPZ connection point, along with energy meter readings 
  • Active and reactive power regulation and reactive power compensation based on connection measurements 
  • Notifications of exceedances and alarms for the entire installation 
  • Full reporting and a technical logbook with historical data 
  • Energy production modeling and other predictive functionalities 

A SCADA system for a solar power plant allows for real-time monitoring and control of the facility’s operations, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

Scada system for solar power plant on a large scale PV farm

Read also: SCADA: The Heart of Modern Farm Monitoring | Electrum Holding 

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