Magda Staniszewska

Magda Staniszewska

A graduate of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Wrocław, she enjoys presenting complex topics in a simple, accessible way. For her, the world of renewable energy is another area—following urban culture and sustainable fashion—that she explores professionally, driven by the belief that it is an issue that affects the majority of society. She strives to play an active role in promoting solutions for a low-emission world.

Privately, she is a fan of life’s simple pleasures: music, four-legged friends, and walks along the Vistula River. Whenever possible, she seeks connection with nature and her loved ones.

Articles by the Author

This is one of the key scientific questions concerning our lives. The answer is not simple, but in this text, I will attempt to outline as clearly as possible the essence and significance of energy, some of its sources— including renewable sources — and the way it influences our daily lives. What is energy, and […]

The Impact of Solar Farms on the Environment: Facts and Myths Did you know that photovoltaic farms, although symbols of green energy, also pose certain environmental challenges? Contrary to common belief, their impact on local ecosystems is not solely positive. It’s not just about occupying substantial land areas but also potential disruptions to the life […]

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