How Solar plus Storage Systems Work?

We are building a solar farm that aims to bring profits to investors and offer numerous benefits to society. However, the sun does not always shine due to weather, seasons, or time of day. Consequently, the use of energy storage systems becomes crucial to ensure stable electricity supply and maximize the profitability of the investment. Let’s start by understanding how solar plus storage systems work.

What is Solar-plus-Storage System?

A photovoltaic (PV) installation is a system consisting of PV panels that convert sunlight into electricity. The energy can then be used immediately or stored. For energy storage, lithium-ion batteries or flow batteries are typically required, allowing for the energy to be used later. Thus, flexible energy management becomes a key term setting trends in the renewable energy sector.

energy storage at solar power plant

How does a solar power systems with battery storage work?

A solar system integrated with energy storage collects the excess energy produced. This allows energy to be sold, for example, in the evening hours when the profit is higher.

The energy storage system includes:

  • Battery Modules – store the electric energy.
  • Bidirectional Inverters (Storage Inverters) – convert direct current from batteries to alternating current sent to the grid and convert alternating current to direct current during battery charging.
  • Control Devices – systems for energy management.
  • Temperature Control Systems (Optional) – support the efficiency and lifespan of PV panels.

Solar-Wind Hybrid Power Plant with energy storage

Recently, hybrid installations, which combine wind farms and photovoltaic farms with battery energy storage, have gained popularity. You can read more about such an investment here:

Electrum is building the first hybrid Sun-Wind power plant for the Lewandpol Group in Poland

Location of Energy Storage on a Solar Farm

Energy storage can be located near central inverters or transformer stations on the solar farm site. It can be housed in specially designed buildings or containers, depending on the battery technology used or technical requirements. For large PV farms, locating energy storage in a central point can be advantageous as it minimizes energy transmission losses.

energy storage

How to choose energy storage for solar system?

Selecting energy storage for large-scale solar systems requires advanced analysis and consideration of specific needs and requirements of such an installation. Key factors include:

  • Historical analysis
  • Energy production forecasts
  • Grid demand
  • Determining capacity requirements (daily and total)
  • Battery type analysis
  • Integration of energy storage with energy management systems.

Properly matching energy storage to a solar installation can be carried out by an experienced renewable energy contractor.

Read also: What are the ways of energy storage in Renewable Energy Sector? (

What is the MESH4U Project? Energy Storage for Large Photovoltaic Farms

Modern energy storage systems can consist of several types of storage and be integrated with IT systems that optimize energy management.

The Electrum – MESH4U project combines several types of storage:

  • Electrical
  • Thermal
  • Mechanical
  • Chemical

Such a holistic approach, combined with the use of new energy management technologies, allows for maximum energy utilization.

mesh4u electrum project

Energy storage methods for solar farms

Lithium-ion batteries are a common solution for storing electrical energy from photovoltaic panels. They can store surplus energy and release it during periods of low sunlight or at night. Currently, many companies around the world are working on other even more beneficial methods of storing energy from photovoltaic farms.

The Future of Energy Storage

What are some of the previously mentioned energy storage methods that are in the phase of intensive development?

Flow batteries

Flow Batteries – Currently one of the most promising technologies, allowing easier scaling of storage and characterized by long life. The use of flow electrolyte also increases safety by reducing the risk of overheating or explosion.

Gravity Storage for Photovoltaic Installations

This innovative solution can change the way we use energy from renewable sources. Its operation is based on a similar principle to that of pumped-storage hydroelectric plants. Instead of water, steel blocks are used, which are raised and lowered using reversible electric motors via a system of steel cables and pulleys.

Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen is an effective energy carrier that can be stored for long periods without energy loss. This type of solution can help minimize fluctuations in solar energy production. This is particularly important for photovoltaic farms where energy production varies depending on weather conditions.

Read more: How Energy Storage Systems Are Revolutionizing the Renewable Energy Market?

Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen is often referred to as the fuel of the future. It can be used to store energy. Moreover, it can be used to produce other fuels, power vehicles, or heat buildings.


green hydrogen energy storage at wind power plant

Benefits of Solar plus Storage Systems

Combining energy storage with PV installations allows not only for balancing energy demand but also stabilizes energy grids.

Read more about the increase in energy storage efficiency in one of our projects implemented for a manufacturing company:

Electrum launched the first hybrid energy-IT system in Poland integrating renewable energy sources and energy storage.

  • Energy storage enables the use of more previously produced energy,
  • Reducing dependency on external suppliers and ensuring energy independence,
  • It ensures energy security by allowing energy use during power outages,
  • Enables efficient operation of transmission and distribution networks,
  • Flexible energy sales management, leading to greater profits for investors,
  • Easier obtaining of connection conditions.

Solar power with battery storage or photovoltaic systems without energy storage

We already know that solar-plus-storage systems offer many benefits. However, is it necessary to use storage in every installation project? Numerous installations function without energy storage, but for large-scale photovoltaic farms, storage is an important element of infrastructure. The need for their use depends on various factors such as local conditions, network infrastructure, or project goals.

Electrum – A Polish Leader in Information and Alternative Energy Sectors


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