Hybrid Energy Systems – The Future of the Market

Despite the undeniable advantages of renewable energy sources, the issue of their variable efficiency due to external factors sometimes arises. By employing hybrid systems and through proper energy management, the risk of system instability can be minimized, and production capabilities maximized.

What Are Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems?

The goal of using hybrid renewable energy systems is to compensate for the limitations and benefits of different energy generation methods. These power plants consist of at least two independent installations utilizing different energy sources – most commonly wind and solar. When sunlight is weaker, such as in winter or autumn, the wind typically blows stronger, and conversely, during summer when the wind dies down, the sun shines more intensely. As a result, these systems generate energy almost continuously. Besides the solar-wind hybrid, connections between wind and/or solar plus energy storage systems are also gaining popularity.

Electrum Designs and Builds Hybrid Systems as One of the Few Companies in Poland

Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

The Electrum Group is one of the few companies in Poland that designs and builds hybrid farms. Our activities also include managing renewable energy devices that are part of the hybrid system, monitoring renewable energy, and servicing renewable energy systems.

Jacek Popławski, Director of Strategy and Development at Electrum Group:

“Hybrid systems supported by smart information technology represent the future of the energy market. Hybridization is one of the cornerstones of our mission to support and accelerate the energy transition. With such solutions, we are one step closer to achieving green, decentralized energy islands composed of renewable energy sources, storage systems, nuclear power, and other essential elements. And this is just the beginning of our journey and revolution.”

A flagship project of this type undertaken by Electrum will be a solar-wind power plant with a capacity of 205 MW, located in the Kleczew municipality in the Greater Poland Voivodeship. It will become one of the largest hybrid facilities of its kind in Poland. In addition to the photovoltaic and wind farms, the investment will eventually include an energy storage system. The completion of the first phase of the investment, which is the construction of the solar farm, is planned for the second half of 2023. The wind farm is expected to be completed in 2024, with the energy storage system planned for a later stage of the project.

Read more: Hybrid renewable energy systems – An Interview with Kamil Kozicki

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