Solar energy monitoring – What You Need to Know?

Solar energy monitoring system is one of the components of the Operation & Maintenance service that we offer. It is a crucial element of managing and maintaining a photovoltaic installation. It allows for real-time tracking of the performance of photovoltaic panels and early detection of potential problems.

Solar farm monitoring systems and an experienced team of dispatchers enable effective protection of the facility from shutdowns caused by failures. Professional monitoring of photovoltaic installations and well-conducted O&M services are also investments that help extend the lifespan of the power plant and maximize returns on investment.

Monitoring Photovoltaic Panels Installations and Efficiency

One of the primary parameters worth monitoring is the efficiency of photovoltaic panels. Online monitoring of the installation in this regard allows for comparing actual performance with the set parameters and detecting drops in efficiency, which may indicate the need for an inspection or repair of the panels.

Photovoltaic monitoring systems and the ability to quickly detect faults or irregularities are key forms of protection for farms against shutdowns. Panel efficiency also depends on other factors, such as cleanliness—photovoltaic system components are checked during inspections.

Monitoring Inverter Performance

Another important parameter in photovoltaic monitoring is inverter monitoring. Inverters are electronic devices that convert direct current electricity into alternating current electricity. In other words, they convert the electricity generated by photovoltaic panels into energy for use. Monitoring inverter performance allows for early detection of potential failures or drops in efficiency, which can prevent more significant damage and downtime in energy production.

Managing a Solar Farm – Online Monitoring of Installations and External Factors

In addition to technical parameters, it is also worth monitoring weather conditions, such as sunlight, temperature, and humidity. These parameters can significantly impact the efficiency and durability of photovoltaic panels. We use SCADA systems, including our proprietary system for managing PV farms and other renewable energy facilities, to monitor these conditions.

Solar farm monitoring and the Proprietary EMACS System

The proprietary EMACS system allows for monitoring both internal devices and data from external information sources, such as weather conditions. Systematic online monitoring and observation of device performance at specific times of day can be crucial in the early detection of faults in systems operating on photovoltaic farms. This can reduce the costs of the photovoltaic farm and its maintenance by detecting irregularities early and quickly restoring devices to optimal operation.

Solar energy monitoring in Electrum Holding Białystok.

Solar power plant monitoring at Electrum’s Dispatch Center in Białystok

Electrum’s dispatch center in Białystok Photovoltaic Monitoring Systems – SCADA and EMACS

We observe all the operational elements of photovoltaic modules and many other factors in the facilities entrusted to us at the monitoring center, the dispatch center.

Electrum has not only one of the most modern but also one of the longest-operating facilities of this type in the entire country. The alarm and work monitoring system for large photovoltaic and wind power plants is highly trusted in the market. Our experts use monitoring and control systems for photovoltaic farms such as SCADA systems, including the proprietary EMACS system, which combines the advantages of SCADA systems with business analysis tools.

Thanks to the experience of Electrum dispatchers in photovoltaic monitoring and the strong emphasis on cybersecurity in Electrum’s solutions, we offer the highest quality O&M farm management service. We can detect many potential faults resulting from the operation of a photovoltaic farm at a very early stage and then repair them remotely.

Through the O&M and photovoltaic monitoring service, we guarantee exceptionally high availability of the entrusted facility. It is worth adding that we currently manage renewable energy facilities generating nearly 1.3 GW of wind energy and PV facilities with a total capacity of just under 150 MWp.

Solar Installation Inspection – An Element of Monitoring Renewable Energy

Solar installation inspection is as important an element of Operation & Maintenance as the monitoring of photovoltaic farms. It should be conducted regularly to ensure proper operation and prevent potential failures resulting from equipment use. Scheduled periodic inspections should be carried out, during which the technical condition of the entire installation and its individual components, including panels, wiring, inverters, and converters, is checked.

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