The Dispatch Center and Service Technicians – The Core of the O&M Department

Electrum oversees more than half a thousand wind turbines, which translates to 1,225.6 MW of energy. We also provide O&M services on PV facilities generating nearly 150 MWp of power. This wouldn’t be possible without our experienced dispatchers and service technicians!

Wind turbine and Electrum service technicians

Our O&M experience dates back to 2012—these were the early days of Operations & Maintenance in Poland. In 2016, we established a dedicated service department and created a modern dispatch center. Today, we operate within the Electrum Group as part of a holding that offers services across the entire value chain of renewable energy projects. The quality of Electrum’s services, however, primarily stems from the expert skills of our people.

One of The Most Experienced O&M Team in Poland

We are not only one of the longest-operating dispatch centers in Poland but also one of the most advanced. We stand out with the highest standards in cybersecurity. It is worth noting that many of the farms we service operate on the EMACS platform—our proprietary SCADA system. With our own automation department, we can offer tailor-made SCADA solutions, customized to meet the needs of each investment.

Electrum’s O&M Department includes:

  • Dispatchers with the most experience in the country
  • The ability to remotely repair faults on PV and wind farm facilities
  • A guarantee of quick response to sudden failures
  • Years of collaboration with DSO and TSO
  • Top-level cybersecurity
  • Experienced service technicians with high problem-solving skills

O&M Services – Białystok and All of Poland

In the facilities we service, our primary concern is to ensure that the infrastructure operates without failures and with as few planned downtimes as possible. In our daily work, we focus on monitoring and promptly responding to faults and changes in system operation. The experience of our dispatchers often allows us to quickly identify irregularities, thereby preventing significant losses or failures. However, the O&M service not only involves ongoing monitoring but also preventive and corrective maintenance.

Read more about:

Solar energy monitoring 

Wind farm service and photovoltaic farm service

A good O&M service is not just about reacting to current faults. The experienced Electrum service team not only performs repairs but also conducts periodic inspections. When such inspections are carried out at appropriate intervals, they help avoid most faults resulting, for example, from the wear and tear of spare parts. These audits also include winter inspections, which are carried out using thermography. This service is individually tailored to the client’s needs.

Read more about:

Wind turbine maintenance

A typical O&M services include inspections:

  • Recommended by the equipment manufacturer,
  • During the warranty period,
  • Required by Polish building law.

Not Just O&M Services Related to Warranties and Insurance

We support our clients not only by servicing and monitoring facilities. We provide comprehensive services related to energy asset management — technical asset management and comprehensive asset management. It is also worth noting the possibility of supporting the client in the event of a warranty or insurance claim. This service may include a report for the insurer, damage assessment, and a list of parts that may fail as a result of the event, but after some time.

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