The Sun above Vistula river: Photovoltaic Development in Poland

Photovoltaics in Poland is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sectors, and one of the most cost-effective ways for companies to reduce their electricity costs.

The development of photovoltaics in Poland, from the perspective of companies and industry, is an investment with many benefits, both economic and environmental. Here are some of them:  

  • Reduction of electricity bills by up to 90%. On average, electricity costs account for about 20% of a company’s overall expenditure, and in some industries even more. Photovoltaics allow you to produce your own energy, which is cheaper and more stable than that from the grid.  
  • Increased energy independence and security of supply. Photovoltaics ensure that your business continues to operate even in the event of a grid failure or energy unavailability. In addition, thanks to energy storage, surplus energy can be stored for own use. 
  • Improved corporate image and environmental awareness. Photovoltaics is one of the cleanest and most environmentally friendly ways of generating energy. By using photovoltaics, a company demonstrates its commitment to climate protection and the reduction of CO2 emissions. 

The development of photovoltaics for companies in Poland operates on similar principles to photovoltaics for single-family houses, with some differences. Depending on the power and type of installation, a company can benefit from one of the following solutions:  

  • RES micro-installations of less than 150 kWp – for smaller companies. In this case, the company can benefit from net-metering or net-billing, i.e. the billing of surplus photovoltaic energy to the grid.  
  • Small RES installations from 150 kWp to 1 MWp – for hotels, spas, etc. In this case, the company can sell photovoltaic energy to the grid on the basis of a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement), i.e. a long-term agreement to purchase energy at a fixed price.  
  • RES installations above 1 MWp – for production facilities. In this case, the company can sell photovoltaic energy through the RES auction, a support system for renewable energy producers  

Photovoltaics for companies is an investment that pays for itself after seven years on average, and sometimes even faster, which is why we are also seeing intensive development in Poland. The development of photovoltaics in Poland will intensify in the coming years. According to the report ‚Photovoltaic market in Poland 2022’, depending on the scenario, the market may grow by as much as 343% relative to 2021, to 34.1 GWp of cumulative capacity in 2027. This growth will be driven by rising electricity prices, the development of the prosumer market, government and EU support, as well as the growing environmental awareness of society and entrepreneurs. Photovoltaics in Poland is therefore becoming not only a beneficial but also a necessary solution for business.  

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