Green hydrogen: Fuel of the future

What is Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen refers to hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power through the process of water electrolysis. Unlike traditional hydrogen production methods, which rely on fossil fuels, green hydrogen allows for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint. It is a step towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly hydrogen production, which can significantly contribute to combating climate change and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

How is green hydrogen produced?

This exciting energy development is generated through water electrolysis, a process that uses electricity from renewable sources (RES), such as wind, solar, or biomass. During electrolysis, pure water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen produced in this way is green because it is not generated using fossil fuels, but rather renewable energy. This is a promising step towards a more sustainable energy future!

Green hydrogen production

3 Advantages of green hydrogen

Green hydrogen, as a form of hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources, offers many benefits:

  • Cleanliness – Renewable hydrogen is clean and does not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases during combustion. This is crucial in the fight against climate change and environmental protection.
  • Versatility – Green hydrogen can be used in many fields. It can power vehicles, heat buildings, store energy, or serve as a raw material for producing other fuels such as ammonia or methanol.
  • High Energy Density – It is efficient because it has a high energy density. This means more energy can be stored and transported in a smaller space compared to other fuels.
    Introducing green hydrogen into our energy ecosystem can contribute to a sustainable future and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Importance of green hydrogen production

Green hydrogen in storage tanks at wind farm.

The significance of green hydrogen production is crucial for many aspects of the global energy transition and the fight against climate change. It is considered one of the main pillars in achieving climate neutrality. The vision of a sustainable energy future assumes that green hydrogen can play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing traditional energy sources.

Challenges in renewable hydrogen production

The International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights that green hydrogen has the potential to cover up to 19% of global energy demand by 2050. However, to achieve this, several technical, political, and economic conditions must be met, including:

  • Continuous reduction of production and distribution costs of green hydrogen through the development and scaling of appropriate technologies, infrastructure, and markets.
  • Increasing investment and support from both the public and private sectors to enable large-scale development of green hydrogen projects.
  • Establishing common standards and regulations for the quality, safety, and sustainability of green hydrogen production and use at both national and international levels.

In this way, green hydrogen can become a strategic element of the future global energy infrastructure, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Renewable hydrogen storage tanks at wind farm.

Hydrogen Storage Tanks at a Wind Farm

Green hydrogen international – the fuel of the future in Global Energy

Renewable hydrogen is an innovative energy resource with the potential to change the face of global energy. Its production and use can have a huge impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the quality of life for people worldwide. As a company engaged in the Climate Tech sector, we aim to set new standards in sustainable development and actively promote green hydrogen as a key element of the energy transition.

Electrum and the energy revolution

Our role as a participant in this energy revolution does not end with declarations – we are involved in practical actions that accelerate the development of green hydrogen infrastructure in Poland. We support innovative R&D projects aimed at improving the efficiency of green hydrogen production and distribution. Our partnerships, both nationally and internationally, allow us to collaborate with leading scientific institutions, technology companies, and governments to jointly develop green hydrogen infrastructure.

Learn About Our Mission: Who We Are – Electrum Holding

Summary – Is it worth investing in green hydrogen?

Green H₂

We are convinced that investing in green hydrogen is not only a step toward achieving climate goals but also an opportunity to create new jobs, develop modern technologies, and increase energy independence in many regions. Therefore, we strive to raise public awareness of the benefits of green hydrogen and promote its widespread use in various sectors of the economy.

Read also: Energy Storage Methods in the RES Industry

Through our commitment to the development of green hydrogen, we aim to be a driving force in the energy transition, bringing real benefits both to the natural environment and society as a whole. We believe that green hydrogen is a key element in the fight against climate change and an essential component on the path to a sustainable energy future.

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Energy That Blows: The Potential of Wind Farms in Poland

Wind is one of the cleanest and cheapest sources of renewable energy (RES). In Poland, where more than 70% of electricity comes from coal, the development of wind farms can be a key step towards a green transition and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Wind farms are clusters of wind turbines that harness the power of the wind to generate electricity. How big is the wind energy potential in Poland and what are the benefits of building wind farms? 

According to a report by the Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA), Poland has the potential to install more than 50 GW of onshore and offshore wind capacity by 2050. This means that wind could cover more than 40% of the country’s electricity needs. Currently, Poland has around 6 GW of onshore wind capacity and plans to build another 11 GW offshore by 2030. This makes Poland one of the leaders in the region in terms of wind energy development. 

The construction of wind farms has many benefits for the economy, the environment and society. Firstly, wind farms are a source of cheap and stable energy that does not depend on fossil fuel prices. According to PWEA, the cost of generating energy from wind onshore is around 200 PLN/MWh and offshore around 300 PLN/MWh, while the cost of energy from coal is around 350 PLN/MWh. Secondly, wind farms contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and other pollutants that have a negative impact on human health and climate. According to PWEA, onshore wind farms avoided more than 14 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2019, equivalent to the annual emissions of more than 7 million passenger cars. Thirdly, wind farms create new jobs and income for local communities. According to PWEA, the wind energy sector employed more than 12,000 people in 2019 and could create more than 77,000 new jobs by 2030. In addition, wind farms pay local taxes and fees, which can be used for infrastructure development, education, culture and environmental protection. 

Wind farms are therefore an important part of Poland’s RES build-up, which aims to increase the share of renewable energy to 23% by 2030 and to 50% by 2050. To achieve this, however, appropriate policy and regulation is needed to support investment and public acceptance of wind farms. Some of the challenges faced by the industry are legal restrictions, bureaucracy, public resistance and lack of grid infrastructure. Therefore, dialogue and cooperation between all stakeholders, including government, local authorities, investors, operators, NGOs and residents, is necessary. Only in this way can the full potential of wind energy be realised. 

The Sun above Vistula river: Photovoltaic Development in Poland

Photovoltaics in Poland is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sectors, and one of the most cost-effective ways for companies to reduce their electricity costs.

The development of photovoltaics in Poland, from the perspective of companies and industry, is an investment with many benefits, both economic and environmental. Here are some of them:  

  • Reduction of electricity bills by up to 90%. On average, electricity costs account for about 20% of a company’s overall expenditure, and in some industries even more. Photovoltaics allow you to produce your own energy, which is cheaper and more stable than that from the grid.  
  • Increased energy independence and security of supply. Photovoltaics ensure that your business continues to operate even in the event of a grid failure or energy unavailability. In addition, thanks to energy storage, surplus energy can be stored for own use. 
  • Improved corporate image and environmental awareness. Photovoltaics is one of the cleanest and most environmentally friendly ways of generating energy. By using photovoltaics, a company demonstrates its commitment to climate protection and the reduction of CO2 emissions. 

The development of photovoltaics for companies in Poland operates on similar principles to photovoltaics for single-family houses, with some differences. Depending on the power and type of installation, a company can benefit from one of the following solutions:  

  • RES micro-installations of less than 150 kWp – for smaller companies. In this case, the company can benefit from net-metering or net-billing, i.e. the billing of surplus photovoltaic energy to the grid.  
  • Small RES installations from 150 kWp to 1 MWp – for hotels, spas, etc. In this case, the company can sell photovoltaic energy to the grid on the basis of a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement), i.e. a long-term agreement to purchase energy at a fixed price.  
  • RES installations above 1 MWp – for production facilities. In this case, the company can sell photovoltaic energy through the RES auction, a support system for renewable energy producers  

Photovoltaics for companies is an investment that pays for itself after seven years on average, and sometimes even faster, which is why we are also seeing intensive development in Poland. The development of photovoltaics in Poland will intensify in the coming years. According to the report ‚Photovoltaic market in Poland 2022’, depending on the scenario, the market may grow by as much as 343% relative to 2021, to 34.1 GWp of cumulative capacity in 2027. This growth will be driven by rising electricity prices, the development of the prosumer market, government and EU support, as well as the growing environmental awareness of society and entrepreneurs. Photovoltaics in Poland is therefore becoming not only a beneficial but also a necessary solution for business.  

Climate-Tech: Revolutionising Climate Technology

climate-tech graphic

Climate-Tech Technologies

Climate-Tech is a new trend in the technology sector aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. It encompasses a wide range of solutions, including renewable energy, energy storage, low-emission transport, sustainable agriculture, smart buildings, circular economy practices, and more.

Growth of the Global Climate Tech Market

The revolution in Climate Tech is driven by growing social and political awareness of climate change threats, as well as technological advancements and the decreasing costs of certain technologies. According to a PwC report, the global Climate-Tech market grew from $418 billion in 2013 to over $600 billion in 2019, with an annual growth rate of 13%.


Climate Tech technologies have the potential not only to reduce environmental impact but also to create new economic and social opportunities. For example, the International Energy Agency suggests that a transition to clean energy could create over 40 million jobs by 2050. Additionally, Climate-Tech can improve quality of life by providing clean air, water, food, and health benefits.

Climate-Tech Revolution – Summary

Climate-Tech is not just a technical issue but also a cultural and social one. To fully realize the potential of Climate Tech, collaboration across different sectors, regions, and countries is essential, along with the engagement of communities and consumers. Climate Tech technologies offer a way to combat climate change and an opportunity to create a better world for current and future generations.

Read also: Climate Tech: Technologies for a Sustainable Future

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