Comprehensive Technological Solutions: New Technologies for the Energy of the Future

Hybrid RES Power Plants are those that combine various types of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, biomass, and water. The aim of this combination is to increase the efficiency and reliability of energy production, independent of weather conditions or time of day. Hybrid RES Power Plants can also make use of energy storage systems, allowing for the accumulation of surpluses and their utilization during periods of low supply. Hybrid RES Power Plants offer several advantages, including:

  • Reduced investment and operational costs due to shared infrastructure and equipment.
  • Decreased stress on the power grid and improved stability through better alignment with demand.
  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution due to the use of clean energy sources.
  • Enhanced energy independence and supply security through diversified energy sources.

Examples of hybrid RES Power Plants include:

  • Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) power plants, combining photovoltaic panels with solar collectors.
  • Wind-Solar power plants, uniting wind turbines with photovoltaic panels.
  • Biogas power plants, integrating biogas production facilities with biomass combustion installations.

Hybrid RES Power Plants are becoming increasingly popular worldwide as they address the challenges of energy transformation and environmental protection. In Poland, these plants are still in the developmental stage, but there are initiatives and projects aimed at their promotion and support. The first hybrid RES Power Plant in Poland is the Kleczew Solar & Wind facility, combining solar and wind energy generation, with Electrum Group as the EPC contractor.

One of the solutions applied in the Polish legal framework to promote and support the development of hybrid RES installations is the concept of cable pooling. This involves connecting at least two renewable energy sources to the same network connection point, resulting in cost savings on new infrastructure construction and more efficient use of existing resources.

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