Lipno Solar Park: One of the Largest Photovoltaic Farms in Poland Built by Electrum

Lipno Solar Park: One of the Largest Photovoltaic Farms in Poland Built by Electrum

We are proud to announce the commissioning of one of the largest photovoltaic farms in Poland, built by the Electrum Group, in Lipno. The project investor is Wento.

Wento is one of the largest renewable energy developers in Poland. They are involved in developing, building, and operating photovoltaic and wind projects across the country. Present on the Polish market since 2011, the company has been part of the international Equinor (formerly Statoil) group, one of the largest players in the global energy market, since 2021.

Located in Greater Poland, Lipno Solar Park is an impressive power plant with a capacity of 53 MW, contributing to the development of renewable energy in Poland. The farm consists of nearly one hundred thousand solar panels, covering an area of over 80 hectares. The entire investment will be able to produce 58 GWh of energy annually, equivalent to the consumption of 29,000 households.

Thanks to the expertise and experience of Electrum experts, the project was realized in a way that maximized the facility’s potential. The construction took less than two years and was carried out simultaneously in three locations. Additionally, accompanying infrastructure was also built, including a medium voltage power station and an overhead high voltage switchyard. Over 600 kilometers of cables were laid, and 212 inverters and 8 medium voltage stations were installed.

The general contractor for the Lipno solar power plant is Electrum Concreo, working with the contract engineer – J.S. Hamilton Poland, while safety and health supervision was provided by Human BHP.

The investment will also benefit the local community – the Lipno municipality will receive tax revenues.

What Are the Ways of Energy Storage in the Renewable Energy Sector?

Different methods of energy storage in the renewable energy sector provide a balance between energy production and its utilization. They ensure a constant supply of energy to consumers and increase the flexibility of energy systems. In today’s article, we will present the methods of energy storage and what you should know about them.

Methods of Energy Storage

Among the methods of energy storage, we distinguish:

  • Chemical
  • Electrical
  • Thermal
  • Mechanical

Sposoby magazynowania energii na farmach fotowoltaicznych i wiatrowych.

Chemical Energy Storage

The electrochemical storage method involves using batteries to store energy in chemical form. The conversion of electrical energy into chemical compounds is the basis of one of the most popular energy storage technologies. Chemical energy storages mainly include batteries:

  • Low-temperature – lead-acid or lithium-ion
  • High-temperature mainly sodium-sulfur (so-called systems with internal storage – their energy level and output power are independent)
  • Systems with external energy storage – hydrogen/methane and flow batteries (redox-flow batteries).

Types of Energy Storages

Battery Storages

Electrochemical energy storages use chemical processes to store electrical energy. They are otherwise simply called batteries or accumulators. The most popular batteries for storing energy from renewable sources are:

  • Lithium-ion batteries for energy storage – characterized by high energy density, low weight, cycle stability, and long life. Due to their ability to quickly charge and discharge, they are ideal for managing peak loads. Lithium-ion energy storage can perfectly serve as a backup source in the industry and in photovoltaic and wind systems.

Lithium-ion energy storage on RES farms

Lithium-ion batteries are popular in storing electrical energy in renewable energy installations. On photovoltaic farms, batteries are usually placed in specially designed containers (so-called container energy storages) or buildings near photovoltaic panels.

kontenerowe magazyny energii do fotowoltaiki

Lithium iron phosphate batteries

Lithium iron phosphate batteries are considered one of the safest types of lithium-ion batteries. They have high tolerance to high temperatures, reducing the risk of safety issues such as overheating or ignition.

Lead-acid batteries

Lead-acid batteries are the most widespread. These energy storages are characterized by useful power and energy densities with low self-discharge, making them suitable as starter batteries or UPS emergency power supplies, for example in telecommunications. It is worth mentioning that the energy storage system can provide the possibility of compensating for short- and medium-term load changes.

High-temperature batteries

Popular types of high-temperature storages include those based on sodium sulfide (NaS) and sodium chloride and nickel (so-called ZEBRA batteries). Here, the active material is liquid electrolyte, which distinguishes the storages from low-temperature ones. They also require operation at a temperature of about 300°C, a large number of charge/discharge cycles, and high efficiency.

Flow batteries

Flow storages store energy in the form of electrolyte in tanks. They are more scalable than traditional batteries and can store larger amounts of energy, making them suitable for large-scale electricity storage.

Redox-flow batteries

They belong to the group of external chemical storages. Their features include an active material based on salts dissolved in a liquid electrolyte in a separate tank. Another type of flow battery is the vanadium redox-flow battery, a type of energy storage that stores energy in chemical form in electrolyte solutions.

It should be noted that vanadium resources are limited, which affects the economic exploitation. The advantage over internal chemical storage systems is the independence of selecting the power and capacity of the battery.


Another way of energy storage is hydrogen, which can be compressed to a significant degree in salt caverns, determining low reservoir costs and high energy storage capacity.

Typy magazynów energii

  • Fuel cells – Convert chemical energy contained in fuel (e.g., hydrogen) directly into electrical energy through chemical reactions. They are efficient and clean since their only byproduct is water.
  • Hydrogen or methane creation – These processes can be used to store electrical energy in chemical form. For example, hydrogenation involves using excess electrical energy to electrolyze water, resulting in hydrogen. It can later be used to power fuel cells or to produce methane, which is easy to store and transport.

Green Hydrogen on Photovoltaic and Wind Farms

When planning systems to compensate for the power fluctuations of photovoltaic farms, the flammability of hydrogen should be considered. Therefore, green hydrogen is methanated by supplying CO2 (Fischer-Tropsch process). As a result, clean methane is obtained, which is easy to operate and control for safety. The costs of energy storages based on methane are lower.

Electrical Energy Storage Systems

Electrical energy storage technologies usually do not require secondary material for its storage. Storage often occurs in an electrostatic field or a constant magnetic field. These systems can quickly charge and discharge. Two examples are worth discussing here: supercapacitors and superconducting coils.


Supercapacitors can be used for short-term energy storage, for example, to balance temporary changes in the production of energy from photovoltaic or wind farms. Due to their ability to quickly charge and discharge, they can deliver energy in short cycles.

Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)

Stores energy in the form of a magnetic field generated by direct current flowing through a coil. For lossless energy storage, cooling the coil with liquid helium is required.

Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal storage focuses on heat accumulation that can be used later, for example, to heat buildings or in industrial processes. Energy storage technologies, such as thermal accumulators, use various media like water, stones, or salts to effectively store heat.

These power storage systems are particularly efficient when combined with solar energy, allowing the use of excess heat during periods when solar collectors do not generate energy.

Mechanical Energy Storages

Mechanical energy storage methods, such as hydroelectric power plants or flywheels, store energy through physical processes.

For example, pumped-storage hydroelectric plants store energy by pumping water to a higher-level reservoir, later using it to generate energy through turbines. Flywheels store kinetic energy in a rotating disk, which can quickly release the stored energy to stabilize the grid and respond to sudden changes in demand.

Bateryjny magazyn energii

Pumped-Storage Power Plant

The kinetic energy of water flowing from the upper reservoir to the lower one is converted into electrical energy in a generator. This is a widespread energy storage system, accounting for 99% of global energy storage systems in power grids. Unlike battery systems, the possible locations of such units depend on geographical conditions and are usually located far from energy consumption centers. Economically, pumped-storage power plants are one of the most cost-effective options for electrical energy storage.

Flywheel Energy Storages

Energy storage is also possible by using kinetic energy in rotational motion. Suspended in a vacuum on magnetic bearings, the flywheel stores energy. This type of energy storage is characterized by high durability and high power density. Units focus mainly on reducing short-term voltage and frequency fluctuations to improve energy quality.

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

Another type of energy storage – compressed air energy storage (CAES) – uses compressed air as an energy carrier stored, for example, in salt caverns. The development of adiabatic compressed air energy storage systems has progressed with the increase in the use of energy from renewable sources. The principle of operation of a storage system based on compressed air is analogous to that of a pumped-storage power plant. The choice of installation location depends primarily on the availability of underground reservoirs where compressed air can be stored.

Magnetic Energy Storage

Uses a magnetic field to store energy in the form of the potential energy of magnets. Magnetic storages are highly efficient, quickly charge and discharge, and have a long lifespan.

Energy Storage from Photovoltaic Panels

magazynowanie energii na farmach fotowoltaicznych

Various energy storage technologies allow them to be adapted to the needs of each renewable energy investment. Below we present the most popular solutions used to store solar energy:

  • Energy storage batteries – The most common way to store electrical energy produced by photovoltaic panels is batteries. Typical types of batteries used to store energy from photovoltaics are lithium-ion batteries, which are efficient, have a long lifespan, and are easy to manage.
  • Hybrid systems – Storing energy from photovoltaic panels can include the use of hybrid systems. They combine photovoltaic panels with other energy sources such as wind or water turbines. Integrated hybrid systems can offer greater energy independence and can be more efficient in areas where weather conditions dynamically change.
  • Flow technologies – Flow storages are another technology used to store energy from PV panels. Flow storages are scalable and can store larger amounts of energy compared to traditional batteries.
  • Energy management and smart grids – With the development of energy management technologies and smart grids, storing energy from photovoltaic panels is becoming more advanced. Intelligent energy management systems can optimize the charging and discharging time of batteries depending on weather conditions, energy prices, and individual user needs.

Read also: How does a photovoltaic installation with energy storage work?

Energy Storage from Wind Power

magazyn energii

  • Lithium-ion batteries – Are widely used to store excess energy during periods when the wind blows strongly, and energy production is high. They can later release the stored energy when the wind weakens or during periods of increased demand.
  • Flow storages – Also known as flow batteries, store energy in the form of electrolyte, allowing easy adjustment of storage capacity to the requirements of wind energy production.
  • Thermal storages – Wind energy can be used to generate heat stored in thermal substances such as water or stones. This can be used to heat buildings or to produce electricity through a steam turbine.
  • Hydrogen electrolysis – Wind can be used for water electrolysis, producing hydrogen, which is then stored and used to power fuel cells or produce synthetic fuels.

Energy Storage Method – How to Choose the Best One?

Different types of energy storages provide a wide range of uses. The choice of the most optimal storage method depends on factors such as the characteristics of renewable energy production, energy consumption profile, financial requirements, as well as local environmental conditions. When considering different options, it is crucial to understand that each has its unique properties, which may better address specific challenges and needs of a given area or project.

Electrum magazyny energii

At Electrum, we offer solutions tailored to the specific conditions of each renewable energy installation. Our goal is always to manage energy resources efficiently and economically.

Contact us

Hybrid Installation and Energy Storages

A pioneering project by Electrum, implemented under the MESH4U initiative, is the development of a hybrid energy storage system that combines various technologies – from electrochemical to thermal and mechanical.

This multifunctional storage hub not only provides flexibility in managing energy resources for industry and households but also enables technical and economic optimization. Through a holistic approach, the system increases the efficiency of renewable energy utilization and supports the transition towards a low-emission economy.

Read also: Electrum launched the first hybrid energy-informatics system in Poland, integrating RES and energy storages

The Future of Energy Storage

Modern energy storages, called the energy storages of the future, are in an intensive development phase. If you want to know more about this topic, read: How Energy Storages Are Revolutionizing the Renewable Energy Market?

Energy Storage and Monitoring

EMACS Centrum kontroli Electrum

In effective energy storage, it is essential not only how we store the energy but also how we monitor the process. Our innovative EMACS (Everything Monitoring and Control System) solution combines the advantages of the classical SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system with advanced business analysis functions, creating the first and only such multifunctional platform on the Polish market.

Key benefits of implementing the EMACS system include:

  • Significant reduction in operational costs through continuous monitoring of the facility’s infrastructure
  • Immediate response to malfunctions, often allowing remote resolution
  • Improvement of technological processes through automation and utilization of the installation’s maximum capabilities at any given moment
  • Effective monitoring of energy production, consumption, storage, and distribution, allowing precise determination of the energy balance of industrial installations.

Types of Energy Storages – Summary

In this article, we presented various methods of energy storage and types of storages that are an indispensable element of the effective utilization of renewable energy sources. From electrochemical systems, through thermal, to mechanical – each of these technologies has its place in the energy ecosystem, offering specific benefits and opportunities.

Can Music Be Green? How the Electrum Up To Date Festival 2024 Brings Ecology to the Music Scene

Can Music Be Green? How the Electrum Up To Date Festival 2024 Brings Ecology to the Music Scene

The first edition of the Electrum Up To Date Festival is behind us. It’s not the first Up To Date in general, but the first one where we are the title sponsor. We decided to strengthen the cooperation that has been ongoing for two years with this significant event, not only in our opinion. Just as it plays the role of an active creator of culture in Białystok, with our help, it could fulfill the role of a model in the area of sustainable event organization.

Together with the organizers, we designed a series of actions through which this well-known event in Poland and Europe sets a great example of how to show respect and help our planet. From a conference where reflection went hand in hand with active exchange of ideas, to abandoning the production of new festival clothing, to using the services and work of local suppliers.

Together we can do more. But this motto only works if we truly collaborate. In the case of Electrum and the Up To Date Festival, it resulted in cooperation we are proud of. See what we’ve done:

Ecological Awareness as the Foundation of a Sustainable Future

The first stop on the road to a more sustainable future is the awareness of how to act in a way that contributes as little as possible to the deterioration of the planet’s condition. The best are, of course, zero or positive impact. However, producing an event is not easy to achieve. This doesn’t mean we don’t try! And when we try, we are transparent and honest in our communication. This year, the Electrum Up To Date social media profiles and the event’s website were even better than last year in providing current information about actions, motivations, and important ideas. We are growing.

We promoted respect for the planet, respect for others, and respect for oneself. These are inseparable components in the discussion about a healthy approach to participating in the world.

To strengthen this discussion, we organized the second edition of the “Do We Really Care?” conference. It included four festival discussion panels addressing topics we managed to signal last year: pro-ecological action in the cultural sector, mental health, the condition of the electronic music scene, and actions for culture in the wartime reality. Together with a series of guests invited to the panels, we asked questions about effective joint creation of changes and outlined the challenges ahead of us.

At Electrum, we particularly know that real change is preceded by conversations where the exchange of ideas and mutual inspiration play a key role. This was also the essence of our cooperation and the introduction of effective actions for a green future.

Reducing Carbon Emissions by Choosing Local Suppliers and Emphasizing Low-Emission Transport

Regarding the gastronomic offer available at the festival, we focused on local producers and suppliers, thereby reducing the transport costs of individual products and the people behind their preparation and service. We chose subcontractors from our region, even in the face of more attractive prices from other regions. In doing so, we want not only to reduce our emissions but also to promote local offers and local cooperation.

We know that cheaper offers often tempt event organizers (and not only them) with limited budgets. There is nothing strange about that; however, when funds are available, we believe it is worth spending them on local cooperation. At the Electrum Up To Date Festival, our role as the title sponsor played a significant role. We invested funds to help a local event, knowing they would be used well and in line with our shared values.

We want to set an example for other entities with greater capabilities and emphasize that investment in local independent culture is much more than just the promotion behind the name change on the posters.

To reduce emissions, though not necessarily the cost of transport for individual artists, we focused on artists on tour, those from nearby European countries, and local names. Many of them used trains to come to Białystok.

We tried to limit air travel to the necessary minimum (e.g., a flight from the UK). Even in the case of choosing a flight, we combined it with arriving in Warsaw and then traveling by train or a special bus to Białystok. Choosing public transport over a flight is an important element of the sustainable chain that helped build this year’s edition of the festival. Festival participants were also encouraged to use public transport, as well as to come to the festival in groups (we had group tickets for sale). This built not only an ecological spirit but also a community.

Additionally, we provided more places for cyclists who chose this mode of transport to get to the festival, the most ecological of all. As for cars, we strongly encouraged drivers to travel in larger groups.

Reducing Waste by Abandoning New Festival Clothing, Emphasizing Reusable Products, and Building Festival Scenery Based on the Circular Economy

Knowing that we want to introduce as little waste into the world as possible, we once again decided to abandon new festival clothing, so-called merch. For the team behind the festival, this was not an easy decision from the beginning – mainly due to the promotion of the brand and high revenue from the sale of such clothing. But the alternative has many advantages. This year’s collection of festival clothing was once again based on second-hand clothes, which meant that so-called fashion gems and unique items were available. Additionally, we offered the opportunity to enhance one’s own clothing with festival prints. This is our way of inspiring actions in line with the circular economy.

The same idea guided the process of creating the scenery – we focused on reusing often forgotten objects and materials. Clothes and decorations brought to life in this way carry undeniable uniqueness.

To reduce the environmental impact of our activities, we chose a local producer and supplier of water in returnable glass bottles. Still water was available in dispensers for those with their own reusable bottles. At Electrum, we encourage the daily choice of such bottles. This year, you could enter any festival area with them. Water available at the bar was for sale at an attractive price of 5 PLN (a little over 1 euro). We know that affordable prices of basic goods are a necessity to create a safe space.

For many suppliers from the gastronomic and bar area, we managed to rely on reusable cups or biodegradable or paper packaging (cups, bowls, plates, cutlery).

Not all partners agreed to such solutions, but we are on the right path to achieving 100% packaging without single-use plastic in the future. Change doesn’t happen suddenly. It’s a whole path, sometimes a labyrinth of actions that need to be consistently implemented to achieve the goal.

Last but Not Least: Promoting Locality and the Region

We already mentioned cooperation with local suppliers and artists, but focusing on locality is a key element in the discussion about the planet’s better condition, so we want to emphasize it again at the end. Using local goods and staying in your region or country as often as possible, including traveling by public transport, is the most effective form of helping the planet. However, we know that for such a form to be possible, among other things, the availability and attractiveness of local products, services, and culture are necessary.

From the beginning, the festival aimed to promote Podlasie as a region worth exploring. Its charms were discovered not only by visitors but also by so-called locals, people who have lived in Białystok for years. This year’s Electrum Up To Date Festival took place at the Białystok Puppet Theater, Arsenal Gallery, Branicki Palace’s power plant, and in an industrial outdoor area forgotten by the local community. The initially heavily devastated city-owned area provided an urban charm to the festival experience and worked well with the festival’s artistic program. This is an example of how available areas within our local reach can be used when organizing events.

Can Music Be Green?

Overall, the Electrum Up To Date Festival is an admirable example of how to reduce the negative environmental impact while organizing a music event. We can proudly say that this year’s first edition of the festival with Electrum as the title sponsor, but already the 15th anniversary edition overall, proved that music and ecology can go hand in hand. Thanks to the joint efforts of Electrum and the festival team, we have created an event that not only provides world-class musical experiences but also serves as a model of ecological responsibility. Our actions for awareness, emission reduction, waste limitation, and promoting locality show that in the world of entertainment, we can and must strive for sustainable development. We believe that such initiatives can inspire others to take similar steps, leading us all toward a better, greener future.


More about the Electrum Group can be found on our social media channels at LinkedIn, Facebooku and Instagramie.

Press contact

Jan Roguz

Electrum Adapt

tel. +48 539 732 610

Magdalena Myczko

Havas PR

tel. +48 508 012 198

How Solar plus Storage Systems Work?

We are building a solar farm that aims to bring profits to investors and offer numerous benefits to society. However, the sun does not always shine due to weather, seasons, or time of day. Consequently, the use of energy storage systems becomes crucial to ensure stable electricity supply and maximize the profitability of the investment. Let’s start by understanding how solar plus storage systems work.

What is Solar-plus-Storage System?

A photovoltaic (PV) installation is a system consisting of PV panels that convert sunlight into electricity. The energy can then be used immediately or stored. For energy storage, lithium-ion batteries or flow batteries are typically required, allowing for the energy to be used later. Thus, flexible energy management becomes a key term setting trends in the renewable energy sector.

energy storage at solar power plant

How does a solar power systems with battery storage work?

A solar system integrated with energy storage collects the excess energy produced. This allows energy to be sold, for example, in the evening hours when the profit is higher.

The energy storage system includes:

  • Battery Modules – store the electric energy.
  • Bidirectional Inverters (Storage Inverters) – convert direct current from batteries to alternating current sent to the grid and convert alternating current to direct current during battery charging.
  • Control Devices – systems for energy management.
  • Temperature Control Systems (Optional) – support the efficiency and lifespan of PV panels.

Solar-Wind Hybrid Power Plant with energy storage

Recently, hybrid installations, which combine wind farms and photovoltaic farms with battery energy storage, have gained popularity. You can read more about such an investment here:

Electrum is building the first hybrid Sun-Wind power plant for the Lewandpol Group in Poland

Location of Energy Storage on a Solar Farm

Energy storage can be located near central inverters or transformer stations on the solar farm site. It can be housed in specially designed buildings or containers, depending on the battery technology used or technical requirements. For large PV farms, locating energy storage in a central point can be advantageous as it minimizes energy transmission losses.

energy storage

How to choose energy storage for solar system?

Selecting energy storage for large-scale solar systems requires advanced analysis and consideration of specific needs and requirements of such an installation. Key factors include:

  • Historical analysis
  • Energy production forecasts
  • Grid demand
  • Determining capacity requirements (daily and total)
  • Battery type analysis
  • Integration of energy storage with energy management systems.

Properly matching energy storage to a solar installation can be carried out by an experienced renewable energy contractor.

Read also: What are the ways of energy storage in Renewable Energy Sector? (

What is the MESH4U Project? Energy Storage for Large Photovoltaic Farms

Modern energy storage systems can consist of several types of storage and be integrated with IT systems that optimize energy management.

The Electrum – MESH4U project combines several types of storage:

  • Electrical
  • Thermal
  • Mechanical
  • Chemical

Such a holistic approach, combined with the use of new energy management technologies, allows for maximum energy utilization.

mesh4u electrum project

Energy storage methods for solar farms

Lithium-ion batteries are a common solution for storing electrical energy from photovoltaic panels. They can store surplus energy and release it during periods of low sunlight or at night. Currently, many companies around the world are working on other even more beneficial methods of storing energy from photovoltaic farms.

The Future of Energy Storage

What are some of the previously mentioned energy storage methods that are in the phase of intensive development?

Flow batteries

Flow Batteries – Currently one of the most promising technologies, allowing easier scaling of storage and characterized by long life. The use of flow electrolyte also increases safety by reducing the risk of overheating or explosion.

Gravity Storage for Photovoltaic Installations

This innovative solution can change the way we use energy from renewable sources. Its operation is based on a similar principle to that of pumped-storage hydroelectric plants. Instead of water, steel blocks are used, which are raised and lowered using reversible electric motors via a system of steel cables and pulleys.

Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen is an effective energy carrier that can be stored for long periods without energy loss. This type of solution can help minimize fluctuations in solar energy production. This is particularly important for photovoltaic farms where energy production varies depending on weather conditions.

Read more: How Energy Storage Systems Are Revolutionizing the Renewable Energy Market?

Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen is often referred to as the fuel of the future. It can be used to store energy. Moreover, it can be used to produce other fuels, power vehicles, or heat buildings.


green hydrogen energy storage at wind power plant

Benefits of Solar plus Storage Systems

Combining energy storage with PV installations allows not only for balancing energy demand but also stabilizes energy grids.

Read more about the increase in energy storage efficiency in one of our projects implemented for a manufacturing company:

Electrum launched the first hybrid energy-IT system in Poland integrating renewable energy sources and energy storage.

  • Energy storage enables the use of more previously produced energy,
  • Reducing dependency on external suppliers and ensuring energy independence,
  • It ensures energy security by allowing energy use during power outages,
  • Enables efficient operation of transmission and distribution networks,
  • Flexible energy sales management, leading to greater profits for investors,
  • Easier obtaining of connection conditions.

Solar power with battery storage or photovoltaic systems without energy storage

We already know that solar-plus-storage systems offer many benefits. However, is it necessary to use storage in every installation project? Numerous installations function without energy storage, but for large-scale photovoltaic farms, storage is an important element of infrastructure. The need for their use depends on various factors such as local conditions, network infrastructure, or project goals.

Electrum – A Polish Leader in Information and Alternative Energy Sectors


How to Choose the Best Location for Solar Panels?

Choosing the Best Location for Solar Panels – Where to Start?

Selecting the best location for solar panels is one of the key decisions for an investor. To ensure the investment is profitable, various factors must be considered, which we will discuss in detail in this guide.

Sunlight Exposure

Our considerations should begin with the most important aspect, which is sunlight exposure.

In Poland, there are 16 voivodeships, and if we calculate the average annual sunlight exposure in each of them, we find that the differences in sunlight across the regions are not very significant. The general sunlight exposure in Poland ranges from approximately 1000 kWh/m² to 1150 kWh/m² [average annual sunlight in kilowatt-hours per square meter (kWh/m²)].

Good location for a solar farm. Electrum Holding photo

Sunlight exposure is influenced by factors such as:

  • Terrain
  • Microclimate
  • Vegetation
  • Buildings

The highest sunlight exposure is found in the southern voivodeships of Poland, while the lowest is in the north.

Sunlight Exposure and Energy Production

The ideal plot for solar panels should have the highest possible sunlight exposure throughout the year. Higher sunlight exposure means more solar energy available for conversion into electricity.

A difference of 100-150 kWh/m² can translate to about a 10-15% difference in energy production. In practice, this means that solar farms in voivodeships with higher sunlight exposure will be slightly more efficient and can generate more energy annually.

Well-sunlit plot for constructing a solar farm

Terrain Configuration for a Solar Farm

Choosing the land for a solar farm also involves analyzing the surface itself. Let’s consider two options: flat and sloped terrain.

Flat Terrain for a Solar Farm

The main advantages of this solution are:

  • Ease of installation of solar systems
  • Easy, even distribution of panels with equal spacing
  • Lower construction costs due to simpler support structures
  • Maintenance and service work often proceed more smoothly than on sloped terrain

Sloped Terrain for a Solar Farm

Let’s discuss a plot characterized by a slight slope. The most beneficial would be a slight southern slope because:

  • It guarantees optimal sun exposure
  • A sloped terrain can facilitate natural runoff of rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion

A detailed technical and design analysis should always be conducted to determine if the chosen land is suitable for building a solar farm and how best to utilize its potential.

Ukształtowanie terenu farmy słonecznej.

Electrum maximizes land potential and builds the largest solar farms in Poland:

Learn more about what we do


Heavily Sloped Terrain – Risks

Significant slopes can lead to problems such as:

  • Difficulties in optimal panel placement
  • Unwanted shading of panels
  • Complicated construction and difficult installation of PV panels
  • Higher service and maintenance costs due to harder access to panels

Local Climate

When choosing a location for a solar farm, we must also consider the local climate. We have already discussed sunlight exposure, so now let’s analyze factors like:

  • Temperature
  • Precipitation
  • Wind
  • Humidity


High temperatures can negatively affect the efficiency of photovoltaic panels. Photovoltaic modules contain silicon, which can overheat. Consequently, this can lead to a sudden drop in voltage and reduced energy efficiency of the PV installation.

Understanding the variability of temperature throughout the day and year in a given area helps estimate its impact on energy production. In some cases, cooling systems need to be adjusted or other temperature management strategies implemented.

The Gryf Solar Farm built by Electrum Holding


In regions with high rainfall, panels may need to be cleaned more frequently to ensure their maximum efficiency.

Rain can leave mineral deposits on photovoltaic panels, and accumulated dirt reduces light transmission. Additionally, in regions with frequent rainfall, there is stronger vegetation growth, which sheds pollen and leaves deposits on panels.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Some areas are characterized by very strong winds, heavy rainfall, hailstorms, high humidity, or conversely, periods of drought. Choosing a site for a photovoltaic farm should be preceded by a detailed analysis, as in such areas, the investment may prove particularly risky.

Best placement for solar panels – What Else to Consider?

In choosing the ideal plot for a solar investment, we focused on climate and terrain aspects. However, this is far too little to speak of the best location for solar panels. The following factors must also be analyzed.

Environmental Aspects

Solar farm construction can impact local ecosystems, including vegetation and animals, so analyzing the fauna and flora in the given location is essential. An environmental impact assessment of the farm may be necessary.

solar panel installation by electrum

Social Aspects

It is important whether the local community accepts the construction of a photovoltaic farm in this specific location. Community resistance can lead to protests and project delays.

A good location for solar farm does not affect the comfort of local residents, for example, through noise or light reflections reaching buildings. A suitable distance from neighbors will help avoid such situations.

Distance from the power grid

Locating a plot close to the power grid can reduce investment costs. We avoid the need to build infrastructure over a given distance. An investment located close to connection points for the photovoltaic farm also helps minimize transmission losses. Many sources recommend that the distance from the power grid should not exceed 200 meters.

Solar Farm and Proximity to the Forest

If the land is near a forest, it carries the necessity of analyzing the impact of trees on potential shading. This is also associated with the occurrence of more pollutants such as pollen and dry leaves. It is also necessary to analyze soil stability in such an area, conduct environmental studies, and assess the impact of the planned PV farm on the environment.

Distance of Photovoltaics from Buildings

Due to the noise from inverters, it is assumed that solar farm should be located at least 100 meters from buildings. Much depends on the specific local conditions. Minimizing the visibility of panels from nearby homes will help not disturb the landscape and eliminate the risk of light reflections.

Kleczew Solar PV Farm: Built by Electrum Holding

Location of the Farm Relative to Roads and Cities

Locating a solar farm near roads facilitates the transport of equipment components or building materials. The proximity of well-maintained roads can reduce transportation and logistics costs both during the construction and operation of the farm. The local land-use plan should be considered to help determine where photovoltaic farms can be located.

In many cases, a detailed environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required to ensure that the PV farm will not negatively affect the surrounding areas.

The proximity of a city can be associated with high pollution levels, and pollutants can settle on panels. A best location for solar farm will be away from the city, although the final decision may be conditioned by other factors.

What Should Be the Optimal Area for Solar Farm Plot?

The size of a photovoltaic farm determines its profits. We can estimate that for a 1 MW farm, an area of 1.5 to 2 hectares (ha) is needed. To optimally arrange photovoltaic panels, the plot for the farm should be at least 50 meters wide.

What Type of Land to Choose?

Some lands are not suitable for use as a solar farm.

Land Class

For solar farms, lower-class lands such as arable lands of classes IV, V, and VI are usually preferred because they are less valuable for agriculture. Fallow lands will also work.

Legal Status of the Plot

Lease or ownership allows the investor to use the location for construction. Leasing agricultural land can be economically advantageous, while purchasing the plot gives full control over the facility without time frames.

We Have the Best Location for Solar Farm – What Next?

We have analyzed the local land-use plan, grid connection conditions, environmental, climatic, and other factors from the above list. The next step will be a well-thought-out design of the photovoltaic farm to optimally use the available space.

At Electrum Ventures, we are responsible for the first stage of photovoltaic farm implementation:

Solar farm design


After obtaining the necessary permits, solar farm construction can begin.

How to Choose the Best Location for Solar Panels? Summary

The location of the PV installation is crucial for the profitability of the entire investment. We hope this guide will help you effectively select available locations and contribute to the success of your renewable energy investment. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:

Contact – Electrum Holding

Electrum and Photovoltaic Investment Implementation

We build photovoltaic farms using the latest technologies. Learn more about our projects:

Electrum completed the construction of the first photovoltaic farm with Nofar Energy

The largest solar power plant in Europe built by Electrum was established in Greater Poland

Electrum started the construction of photovoltaic farms in Sztum and Mikołajki Pomorskie

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